APPSC Group I Mains Revised Paper — V — Science and Technology

  1. Integration of Science, Technology and Innovation for better human life; Science & Technology in everyday life; National Policies on proliferation of Science, Technology and Innovation; India’s contribution in the field of Science and Technology. Concerns and challenges in the proliferation and use of science and technology; Role and Scope of Science and Technology in nation building. Major Scientific institutes for Science and technology in AP and India. Major Scientific Institutes for Research and Development in AP and India. Achievements of Indian Scientist in the field of Science and TechnologyIndigenous technologies and developing new technologies.
  2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – its importance, advantages and challenges; E-governance and India; Cyber Crime and policies to address security concerns. Government of  India Policy on Information Technology (IT). IT Development in AP and India.
  3. Indian Space Programme – Past, Present and Future; Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) — it’s activities and achievements; Satellite Programmes of India and Use of Satellites in different fields like Health, Education, Communication Technology, Weather forecasting affecting human lives;  Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).


  1. Indian’s energy needs, efficiency and resources; Clean energy resources; Energy policy of India – Government Policies and Programmes. Conventional and Non – Conventional energy resources. Energy demands, Indian Energy Sciences, Conventional energy powers, Thermal, renewable energy resources, Solar, wind, Bio and wasted based, energy policies Geothermal and Tidel Sources, energy Policies in India, energy security. Salient features of Nuclear Policy of India; Development of Nuclear programmes in India, Nuclear  Policies at the International level and India’s stand on them.


  1. Development Vs. Nature / Environment; Depletion of Natural Resources- Metals, Minerals — Conservation Policy. Environmental Pollution Natural and Anthropogenic and Environmental degradation. Sustainable Development — possibilities and challenges; Climate Change and Its effect on the world; Climate justice — a global phenomenon; Environment Impact Assessment, Natural Disasters — Cyclones, Earth Quakes, Landslides& Tsunamis — Prediction Management. Correlation between Health & Environment, Social Forestry, Afforestation and deforestation, Mining in AP and India. Types of Natural resources- renewable and Nonrenewable. Forest resources. Fishery resources. Fossil Fuels- Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas. Mineral resources. Water resources — Types, Water shed management. Land resourcestypes of soils and soil reclamation.
  1. Environmental pollution and Solid waste management: Sources, impacts and control of – air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. Noise pollution. Solid  waste management – Types of solid waste, impacts of solid waste, recycling and reuse. Remedial measurers for Soil erosion and Costal erosion. Global Environmental issues and role of information Technology in Environment and Human Health, Ozone layer depletion, Acid rain. Global Warming and its impacts. Environmental legislation: International Law, Montreal protocol, Kyoto protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change, CITES. The Environment ( Protection) act 1986, Forest conservation Act, Wildlife protection act. Biodiversity Bill of India – cop 21 – Sustainable Development GoalsNational Disaster Management Policy, 2016 of India and Disaster management initiatives in India. White Revolution, Green Revolution, and Green Pharmacy.


  1. Nature, Scope and Applications of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in India; Ethical, Social and Legal concerns, Government policies; Genetic engineering, issues related to it and its impact on human life. Biodiversity, fermentation, Immuno – diagnosis techniques.


  1. Human diseases-microbial infections. Common infections and preventive measures. Introduction to bacterial, viral, protozoal and fungal infections. Basic knowledge of infections-diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, viral infections like HIV, Encephalitis, Chikungunya, bird flu-preventive measures during out breaks. Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Basic concepts of genetic engineering. Tissue culture methods and applications. Biotechnology in agriculture- Bio- pesticides, Bio-fertilizers, Bio-fuels, Genetically modified crops. Animal husbandrytransgenic animals. Vaccines: Introduction to immunity, Fundamental concepts in vaccination, Production of Modern Vaccines (production of Hepatitis vaccine).


  1. Issues related to Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Science and Technology. Promotion of Science in AP and India.
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