Genetic Engineering; Issues related to it and its impact on human life

Introduction and application of genetic engineering Genetic engineering Genetic engineering, the artificial manipulation, modification, and recombination of DNA or other nucleic acid molecules in order to modify an organism or population of organisms. The term genetic engineering initially referred to various techniques used for the modification or manipulation of organisms through the processes of heredity … Read more

The Maghadas

All the states were perpetually at war with each other. Kaushal annexed Kashi  and Avanti grabbed Vats. Later on Kausha and Vats in turn were subjugated one by one by Magadh, which became most powerful in the entire region. Magadh was ruled in succession by Haryank, Shishunag and Nand Dynasty. The Nandas ruled from 343 … Read more

Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization on Governance

Liberalization The leading economists of the country differ in their opinion about the socioeconomic and ecological consequences of the policy of liberalisation.Liberalization has led to several positive and negative effects on Indian economy and society. Some of the consequences of liberalisation have been briefly described here: 1. Increase in the Direct Foreign Investment: The policy of … Read more

Issues of Urban Development

  Urban issues, Urban development (social and economic infrastructure) and Housing for Low Income Groups.    Urbanization is the growth in population residing in urban areas, due to both growth in population of current residents and net migration into urban areas. It also encompasses a transformation of the erstwhile rural areas into ‘urban’ areas through … Read more

The Hoyasalas

The Hoyasalas Hoysala dynasty, family that ruled in India from about 1006 to about 1346 CE in the southern Deccan and for a time in the Kaveri (Cauvery) River valley. The first kings came from the hills northwest of Dorasamudra (present-day Halebid), which became their capital about 1060. With their hardy hill-dwelling, Kannada-speaking followers, they … Read more

Health & Environment

The enhanced pace of developmental activities and rapid urbanization have resulted in stress on natural resources and quality of life. The trend of increasing pollution in various environmental media is evident from the deteriorating air and water quality, higher noise levels, increasing vehicular emission etc. Realising the urgent need for arresting the trend, Both Central … Read more

Legal framework for Forest and Wildlife Conservation in India

The Environment Protection Act is an important legislation that provides for coordination of activities of the various regulatory agencies, creation of authorities with adequate powers for environmental protection, regulation of the discharge of environmental pollutants, handling of hazardous substances, etc. The Act provided an opportunity to extend legal protection to non-forest habitats (‘Ecologically Sensitive Areas’) … Read more

National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation

The thrust of the Scientific Policy Resolution, 1958 was on capacity-building in advancement of science as the foundation for making a strong nation, which had just freed itself from the shackles of colonial domination . The focus of the Technology Policy Statement, 1983 was attainment of technological self-reliance and building of national strength by reducing … Read more

The European Trading companies in India- their struggle for supremacy-with special reference to Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Mysore, Andhra and Nizam, Governor-Generals and Viceroys.

The European Trading companies in India: Struggle for supremacy The Portuguese From time immemorial India had commercial relations with countries of the west. The commercial route then was not direct by sea. The merchants sailed over the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea and reached Europe through Arabia. But in the seventh cen­tury when Arabia … Read more

Energy and Power policies

Energy management includes planning and operation of energy production and energy consumption units. Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need.The main objectives of energy management are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings. The central task of energy management is to reduce costs for the provision of energy in … Read more

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