DMPQ: Subsidies are always been a major tool for the inclusivity. Comment on its efficacy. (Economy)

In India there is large inequality in terms of wealth. To set off this bridge Govt resorts to  subsidies for resource redistribution and to achieve social welfare of the masses. Over the periods of time different political class have used subsidies to garner votes. There are various advantages of subsidies:   Empowerment and security to … Read more

DMPQ- . Write a short note on followings: (A) Performance budget (B) Revenue deficit (C) Quantitative Easing

(A) Performance budget Unlike the traditional line item budget, a performance budget reflects the  goal/objectives of the organization and spells out performance targets. These targets are sought to be achieved through a strategy(s). A Performance Budget gives an indication of how the funds spent are expected to give outputs and ultimately the outcomes. However, performance … Read more

DMPQ- What are the Characteristics of a Healthy work Culture?

Characteristics of a Healthy work Culture A healthy work culture leads to satisfied employees and an increased productivity. Employees must be cordial with each other. One must respect his fellow worker. Backbiting is considered strictly unprofessional and must be avoided for a healthy work culture. One gains nothing out of conflicts and nasty politics at … Read more

DMPQ-What is the role of competition commission of India in ensuring a fair playing field? (ECONOMICS)

To ensuring a fair playing field, the Competition Commission of India endeavours to do the following: Make the markets work for the benefit and welfare of consumers. Ensure fair and healthy competition in economic activities in the country for faster andinclusive growth and development of economy. Implement competition policies with an aim to effectuate the … Read more

DMPQ: Farm loan waiver has become a populist tool. Do you think loan waiver is the ultimate solution? (Economy)

After the recent Assembly elections, the new governments in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh announced farm loan waivers. According to SBI Research, around ₹70,000 crore will be spent on farm debt waivers till May 2019.  Rising costs, drop in income and increasing incidence of indebtedness among small and marginal farmers manifested in a spate of suicides over … Read more

DMPQ- What are the problems faced by agriculture sector in India? (ECONOMY)

The major problems are as follows: Rudimentary infrastructure and policies leads to slow agricultural growth. The average size of landholding is small. Poor socio economic conditions of farmers. Use of technology is inadequate. No proper management of irrigation. Vulnerability of agriculture sector is high to wards hazards and disaster. Dependence of agriculture on vagaries of … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on SDG India Index.

While countries around the world have been considering how to implement and measure success against the Goals, NITI Aayog has taken the lead by bringing out the SDG India Index – Baseline Report 2018, and showing how SDGs will be measured in India.  NITI Aayog has constructed the SDG India Index spanning across 13 out … Read more

DMPQ: Examine the role of startup as driver of growth.

In the last decades there has been a considerable increase in the number of technology based startups. Some 800+ startups are coming up every year, going by this trend by 2020 more than 11,500 start-ups are expected to get established in India, generating opportunities for over 2.5 lakhs people. The reasons for startups as drivers … Read more

DMPQ: In India still after 1991 reforms there is ambivalence towards private sector. Explain with the example( Economy)

Private sector is perceived to be guided by profit maximisation and it was considered to be anti to the objective of independent India. Hence socialism was seen as an alternative to it. This deep rooted notion about private sector is more in India. Following examples are testament to it:   In civil aviation sector, there … Read more

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