DMPQ- What do you understand by the term soil salinity? Write down the effects of increase in the soil salinity?

A soil may be rich in salts because the parent rock from which it was formed contains salts. Sea water is anothersource of salts in low-lying areas along the coast. A very common source of salts in irrigated soils is the irrigationwater itself. Most irrigation waters contain some salts. After irrigation, the water added to … Read more

DMPQ- Oligotrophic lakes

An oligotrophic lake or water body is one which Join Our Telegram Channel has relatively low productivity due to the low nutrient content in the lake. These lakes usually have quite clear water due to the limited growth of algae in the lake. The waters of such lakes are of high-drinking quality. Such lakes support … Read more

DMPQ- Wise used approach is often seen in the news. What is Wise used approach and explain its genesis.

The ‘wise use’ approach of Ramsar Convention is globally recognized. Notably, the wise use approach was coined in 1972, much before the hallmark 1992 Rio Conference wherein the term sustainable development was rendered a definition. The Convention on Wetlands, called the Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and … Read more

DMPQ- . “It has been said that space exploration is bad for environment.” Critically comment the statement.

. Space launches can have a hefty carbon footprint due to the burning of solid Join Our Telegram Channel rocket fuels. Many rockets are, however, propelled by liquid hydrogen fuel, which produces ‘clean’ water vapour exhaust, although the production of hydrogen itself can cause significant carbon emissions. Rocket engines release trace gases into the upper … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the Long term effect on environment of the Mines.

All mines are temporary structures. They can remain active for many years, but they will eventually run out of minerals and cease operations. This does not automatically mean that the environment and wildlife will no longer suffer. Responsible owners would backfill the underground mine. However, not all mine operators would resort to Join Our Telegram … Read more

DMPQ- Why are Himalayan regions vulnerable to landslides?

Unlike other disasters, landslides are largely controlled by highly localised factors. Landslides of different types are frequent in geodynamically active domains in the Himalayan and Arakan-Yoma belt of the North-Eastern parts of the country. Landslide hazard zonation mapping has categorized the Himalayan region as Very High Vulnerability Zone.   Factors that Subscribe on YouTube make … Read more


PARIVESH is a web based, role based workflow application which has been developed for online submission and monitoring of the proposals submitted by the proponents for seeking Environment, Forest, Wildlife and CRZ Clearances from Central, Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube State and district level authorities. It automates the entire tracking of proposals which … Read more

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