DMPQ-The defect of the Regulating Act of 1773 and the urgency of the British Politics necessitated the passing of Pitt’s India Act in 1784. In the light of statement Write down the salient features of the Pitts India Act.

For political matters, the Board of Control was created and for commercial affairs, the Court of Directors was appointed. The Board of Control took care of civil and military affairs. It comprised of 6 people: Secretary of State (Board President) Chancellor of the Exchequer Four Privy Councillors In this dual system of control, the company … Read more

DMPQ- Decline of Mughal empire was due to various reasons. Discuss the involvement of religion in the decline of empire.

The most important cause of the downfall of the Mughal Empire was the religious policy of Aurangzeb. The Mughal state in the days of Akbar, Jahangir, and Shahjahan was basically a secular state. Its stability was essentially founded on the policy of non interference with the religious beliefs and customs of the people, fostering of … Read more

DMPQ- What were the causes which led to The Battle of Plassey ?

The illegal use of Mughal Imperial export trade permits (dastaks) granted to the British in 1717, for engaging in internal trade within India. The British cited this permit as their excuse for not paying taxes to the Bengal Nawab. British interference in the Nawab’s court, and particularly their support for one of his aunts, Ghaseti … Read more

DMPQ-Differentiate between the reform and revivalist movement.

While the reformist movements strived to change the fundamental system and structures of the society through gradual changes within the existing institutions; revivalist movements tended to revive former customs or practices and thus take the society back to the glorious past. Reformist movement responded with the time and scientific temper of the modern era. The … Read more

DMPQ: Comment on the rig veda economy. (Ancient India)

Rig Vedic economy was primarily pastoral. They domesticated Pashu (which included cattle, horse and even human beings), as opposed to Mriga, i.e. wild animals. Cattle was synonymous with wealth and a wealthy person was called Gomat. Cattle was so important that the terms of battle were derived from Gau itself, such as Gavisti, Gosu, Gavyat, … Read more

DMPQ- Tebhaga Movement.

The Tebhaga movement is probably the greatest peasant movement in the history of India.  It was initiated in Bengal by the Kisan Sabha (peasants front of Communist Party of India) in 1946-1947. The Tebhaga movement was a movement of the share croppers of Bengal demanding two-thirds instead of half as their produce. Basically from this principle demand the name ‘Tebhaga’ movement comes. At that time … Read more

DMPQ- Why Bhima Koregaon is seen as a Dalit symbol? Comment on its historical importance and its relevance in present time.

A battle was fought in Bhima Koregaon, a district in Pune with a strong historical Dalit connection, between the Peshwa forces and the British on January 1, 1818. The British army, which comprised mainly of Dalit soldiers, fought the upper caste-dominated Peshwa army. The British troops defeated the Peshwa army. The victory was seen as a … Read more

DMPQ- . Point out the historical background in which Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement began.

. The background to the two movements was provided by a series of events after the First World War which belied all hopes of the government’s generosity towards the Indian subjects. The year 1919, in particular, saw a strong feeling of discontent among all sections of Indians for various reasons: The economic situation of the … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the provisions of the charter act of 1861.(history)

:   Major provisions of the act are as follows:   Introduction of portfolio system by lord canning. Expansion of executive council. Now there were 4 members. For legislative purpose, the governor general council was expanded. Now 6-12 additional members can be nominated. There were appointed for a period of 2 years. Out of these, at … Read more

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