DMPQ: The battle of Plassey and Battle of buxar proved to be the founding platform of British empire. Discuss 

The battle of Plassey proved to be of immense significance. It established British mastery over Bengal. Now it become the starting mark for the starting of british empire in India. It boosted British prestige both in India and back in Britain and raised them to status of major contender of power in India. After battle … Read more

DMPQ- The development of modern education can be attributed to British government. Comment

Modern education in India is given by British Government. They were the first who gave institutionalisation to Modern education. They through their policies brought secular and modern elements to the education  system. The chronological development of Education during the British Period in India is discussed below: Charter Act of 1813: The British Parliament added a … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on self respect movement.

Self-Respect Movement was a dynamic social movement aimed at destroying the contemporary Hindu social order in its totality and creating a new, rational society without caste, religion and god. Self-Respect Movement was started by E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker in Tamil Nadu in 1925. It was an egalitarian movement that propagated the ideologies of breaking down of the Brahminical hegemony, equal rights for the … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the conditions in which second round table conference was conducted. Also mention the objectives of the conference.

. The Congress had boycotted the first Round Table Conference (1930) which was actively  attended by princely states, Ambedkar and other non-Congress parties. Ambedkar also raised the issue  of separate electorate for Dalits and Jinnah demanded more safeguards for the Muslims (these two demands were reflected in Communal Award of 1932). After Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Gandhi … Read more

DMPQ- Give a brief background about cripps mission. Mention the major features of cripps mission.

Answer. In 1939 the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow, declared India a party to war without consulting  Indian political leaders or the elected provincial representatives. This caused considerable resentment in  India and provoked the resignation en masse of elected Congress Party Provincial Governments in 1939  (which were elected in 1937), giving rise to the prospect of public … Read more

DMPQ-Write an essay on the rise of modern Japan.

Japan was the only country to remain outside colonial clutches. Japanese military generals called  ‘shoguns’ ruled Japan for more than 200 years and emperor was mere figurehead. Japanese  society was almost feudal and it was largely disconnected from the wider world. Japan awakened to the modern development in middle  of 19th century only when its … Read more

DMPQ:The advent of British no doubt bring hardship, plunder, famine etc. But the British rule left behind some positive developments too. Do you agree ?

200 years of British rule had some positive developments too and they eventually led to the formation of Modern India. The positive developments are as follows: Economy: A well-developed railway network across India. Immediately after independence, India could setup heavy industries because of this reason. Telegraph and postal system – post offices till today form … Read more

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