DMPQ Premium-State the contributions of Qutubshahi to Andhra history.

Qutub Shahi dynasty included the rule of  Quli Qutub Shah (1512-1543), Jamshed Qutub Shah (1543-1550), Ibrahim Qutub Shah (1550-1580), Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah (1580-1611),

Abdulla Hussain Qutub Shah (1611-1658), Abul Hasan Qutub Shah (1658-1687). 

The main part of Golconda State was Telangana.  Though, Telugu was not their mother tongue, Golconda rulers learned Telugu language.  Quli didn’t discriminate against Hindus. He employed eligible Hindus in his court as governors (subedars) and officers. Quli’s son Jamshed was very cruel. He murdered his father, blinded his brother Kutbuddeen, the heir to the throne, and took over the throne.  His younger brother Ibrahim ran away to Vijayanagara Empire. Emperor Aliya Ramamrayalu gave him shelter.  During this period Ibrahim acquainted himself with Telugu literature and learned from the Ashtadiggajas like Bhattumurti.  After the death of Jamshed, Ibrahim took over the Golconda throne.  He respected Telugu poets in his court along with Arabic and Persian poets.  Notable poets of Ibrahim Qutub Shah period were Singanacharyudu, Addanki Gangadharudu, and Kandukuru Rudrakavi.  Singanacharyudu wrote Niroshthyaramayanamu, which described the story of  Rama, son of King Dasaradha.  Addanki

Gangadharudu wrote Tapateesamvaropakhyanamu and dedicated it to Ibrahim Qutub Shah.  Kandukuri Rudrakavi wrote a Prabandhamu called Nirankusopakhyanamu. He also wrote a yakshaganamu entitled Sugreeva Vijayamu.


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