Features, Amendments and Significant provisions of Indian Constitution -For RAS RTS Mains and Ras RTS Prelims Examination

Amendments Amendments to the Constitution are made by the Parliament, the procedure for which is laid out in Article 368. An amendment bill must be passed by both the Houses of the Parliament by a two-thirds majority and voting. In addition to this, certain amendments which pertain to the federal nature of the Constitution must … Read more

CoP15 (Copenhagen Summit)

Main aim was to establish a global climate agreement for the period from 2012 when the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol expires The conference did not achieve any binding agreement for long term action A ‘political accord’ was negotiated by approximately 25 parties Collective commitment by developed countries for new and additional resources … Read more

Function of Management -Staffing

FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT – STAFFING Staffing refers to the managerial function of employing and developing human resources for carrying out the various managerial and non-managerial activities in an organisation. This involves determining the manpower requirement, and the methods of recruiting, selecting, training and developing the people for various positions created in the organisation.   Staffing … Read more

CR Formula

C. Rajagopalachari’s formula (or C. R. formula or Rajaji formula) Subscribe on YouTube was a proposal formulated by Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari to solve the political deadlock between the All India Muslim League and Indian National Congress on independence of India from the British. C. Rajagopalachari, a Congress leader from Madras, devised a proposal for the Congress … Read more

Economy- RAS/RTS Mains Topic wise Solved Question Papers

Guess Papers:- Universal Banking Repo Market Social Audit Stagflation. Inclusive growth Public Distribution System Disinvestment Primary Deficit Green field Investment Crisis of Balance of payment Trade facilitaition agreement What changes done in GDP calculation recently and how it affects GDP . Write short note on relation between WTO and India. Rashtriya Avishkar abhiyan Write short … Read more

Nutrition in organisms

Nutrition in organisms Food is the basic necessity of man. It is a mixture of different nutrients such as carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are essential for growth, development and maintenance of good health throughout life. They also play a vital role in meeting the special needs of pregnant and lactating women … Read more


AQUA CULTURE the cultivation of aquatic organisms. aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, implies the cultivation of aquatic populations under controlled conditions. Mariculture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine environments. Particular kinds of aquaculture include agriculture (the production of kelp, seaweed, and other algae), fish farming, shrimp farming, shellfish farming, and growing of cultured pearls. Growth … Read more

Peasant Uprisings-For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Many dispossessed peasants took to robbery and dacoity. Indigo Revolt of 1859-60 By the end of 1860 indigo cultivation was virtually wiped out from the districts of Bengal A major reason for the success of the Indigo revolt was the tremendous Subscribe on YouTube initiative, cooperation, organization and discipline of the ryots. Another was the … Read more

Banking- Role of Commercial Banks, Issue of NPA, Financial Inclusion

Table of Content:- Role of Commercial Banks Issue of NPA Financial Inclusion A Commercial bank is a type of financial institution that provides services such as accepting deposits, making business loans, and offering basic investment products There is acute shortage of capital. People lack initiative and enterprise. Means of transport are undeveloped. Industry is depressed. The commercial … Read more

26 September,Daily current affairs from The Hindu and Indian Express

  Economic Scenario in India According to chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanyam direct tax revenue numbers are not doing so well ,and stalled projects have come down but at the same time exports are in a negative territory. Road requirement plan II Under Road requirement plan II government is planning to build more brides and … Read more

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