Art, Sculpture and Architecture in Kushana Empire

  The Kushana period witnessed a remarkable development in art, sculpture and architecture. The Gandhara School of Art and Sculp­ture marked a happy blending of the Graceo-Romano-Buddhist style and techniques. The distinguishing features of the Gandhara Sculp­ture owed their origin to Greek and Roman styles yet the art essen­tially was Indian in spirit. The Gandhara … Read more

Water Pollution

  Addition of certain substances to the water such as organic, inorganic, biological, radiological, heat, which degrades the quality of water so that it becomes unfit for use. Putrescibility is the process of decomposition of organic matter present in water by microorganisms using oxygen. Water having DO (dissolved oxygen)  content below 8.0 mg/L may be … Read more

Soil Pollution

Soil Pollution is the Contamination of the soil by human and natural activities which may cause harmful effects on living beings. This may be due to the following factors. (i) Industrial wastes: Industries are the major causes for soil pollution Textiles, steel, paper, Cement, oil, dyeing and other industries are responsible for soil pollution. Toxic … Read more

Various Missions, Policies ,Projects and Schemes of Rajasthan- Their Objectives and Impact.

  Rajasthan Mineral Policy  2015 Rajasthan may put about 400 small size mining leases of minerals like granite,marble and quartz under the hammer in 2015 as it looks to expand its area under mining as well as increase revenue. 9% of total mineral production in the country, is also exploring joint ventures (JV) with multi national companies (MNCs) … Read more

Famous Sayings

        I wish for a peaceful term of India. I Subscribe on YouTube cannot forget that in the sky of India ,   Lord Canning serene as it is, a small cloud may arise ………..threaten to burst & overwhelm.     ‘a battle of blacks against the whites’ (on 1857 revolt)   … Read more


Square Root & Cube Root   Step 1: First of all group the number in pairs of 2 starting from the right.   Step 2: To get the ten’s place digit, Find the nearest square (equivalent or greater than or less than) to the first grouped pair from left and put the square root of the square.   … Read more

Agriculture of Rajasthan

  Major Agricultural Issues of Rajasthan are:- To achieve self-sufficiency in food production. To increase Agricultural production and income of farmers / farm labours. To promote sustainable use of Natural Resources such as Land and Water. To promote Soil Health Management and Integrated Nutrient Management. Promote Crop Diversification. Promote use of agricultural inputs based on … Read more

Composition, Structure and Stratification of the atmosphere

  An atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding a planet or other material body, that is held in place by the gravity of that body. Many of the planets in this solar system have atmospheres, but none that we know of have an atmosphere quite like ours – one that can support life. The … Read more

Millenium Development Goals

Millenium Join Our Telegram Channel Development Goals 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a global partnership for development


NSSO 66th round Employment Survey

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