Major Monuments of Ancient Period

1. Udaygiri Caves During Chandragupta’s reign at Vidisha, M.P. 2. Angorwatt Temples Suryavarman Ii 3. Vikramashila University Pala King Dharampala 4. Kailash Temple (Ellora) Rashtrakuta king Krishna I 5. Dilwara Temple Tejapala 6. Rathas of Mamallapuram Mahendravarman I (Pallava King) 7. Khajuraho temples Chandelas 8. Martanda temple (Kashmir) Lalitaditya Muktapida 9. Gommateswara  (Son of Rishabnath) … Read more

Lok Devtas and Devis of Rajasthan & Saints of Rajasthan

  Saints of Rajasthan Saints of Rajasthan can be Characterized as Bhakti saints and Warior saints. Famous Bhakti Saints of Rajasthan are:- Dadu Dayal Mira Bai Lal Das Charan Das Mavaji Warrior Saints of Rajasthan took the responsibility to protect the Dharma from the invaders Subscribe on YouTube and finally emerged as the protector of Brahmans,women, … Read more


  Mensuration is the branch of mathematics which deals with the study of different geometrical shapes, their areas and Volume. In the broadest sense, it is all about the process of measurement. It is based on the use of algebraic equations and geometric calculations to provide measurement data regarding the width, depth and volume of a … Read more

Recent development and issues in service sector of Rajasthan.

  Information Technology and IT enabled Services Software and services exports continued to remain on top of the IT industry’s revenue. The export-driven software sector saw major long-term projects come to Indian ICT leaders and Indian Companies bagging a larger and larger share of the global outsourced business. The state of Rajasthan offers huge investment … Read more

Evolution and characteristics of landforms in the Fluvial, Glacial, Arid and Karst regions  

  Landform Each landform has its unique physical shape, size, materials and is a result of the action of certain geomorphic processes and agent(s). Every landform has a beginning. Landforms once formed may change in their shape, size and nature slowly or fast due to continued action of geomorphic processes and agents. Due to changes … Read more

Major Landmarks in the History of Rajasthan, Major Dynasties, their Administrative and Revenue System.Socio-cultural Issues.

  Rajasthan : Ancient Civilizations Different Ancient Civilizations of Rajasthan are:- Kalibangan Civilizations:- Kalibangan lies along the left bank of the dried-up bed of river Ghaggar (ancient Sarasvati and Drashdwati). Its supposed to be older then 4000 B.C. and was first discovered by Amlanand Ghosh in 1952 AD It comprises of three mounds, the larger … Read more

Principal of inheritance and variation

Principal of inheritance and variation Inheritance or Heredity is the genetic information Join Our Telegram Channel passing for traits from parents to their offspring, either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. This is the process by which an offspring cell or organism acquires or becomes predisposed to the characteristics of its parent cell or organism. … Read more

Water Resources : Availability

  Water is a prime natural resource, a basic Join Our Telegram Channel human need and a precious national asset. Planning, development and management of water resources need to be governed by national perspectives. India accounts for about 2.45 per cent of world’s surface area, 4 per cent of the world’s water resources and about … Read more

Micro, Small and Medium enterprises

Importance of micro, small and medium enterprises

  • Apart from playing a significant role in meeting national objectives of balanced growth, poverty alleviation and equity promotion, serve as nurseries for corporate enterprises of future.

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  located where river meets the sea. the most productive water bodies in the world The complete salinity range from 0-35 ppt is seen from the head (river end) to the mouth (sea end) of an estuary Coastal lakes which have their connection with the sea through small openings are better known as lagoons or … Read more

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