Transgenic animals

Transgenic animals Transgenic animals are animals that have been cloned. The medical and biotechnological uses of animal cloning are almost innumerable, as many diseases have been eradicated thanks to the production of these transgenic animals. Transgenic animals development Since the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953, molecular biology … Read more

Acid Rain

The pH of natural rain is found to be in the range from 5 to 7. The term acid rain is customarily applied to precipitation with a pH below 5. Such low pH values Subscribe on YouTube are generally possible only in the presence of large amounts of anthropogenic pollution. Sulphuric acid and nitric acid … Read more

Promotion of Science in Andhra pradesh

Promotion of Science in Andhra pradesh Andhra Pradesh had taken a leadership position in the promotion and development of science and Technology. The Growth was propelled by the availability of rich talent pool, lower cost of operations and in some measure due to the innovative policies of the Government.   iHub (The intelligent hub) The … Read more

Immunodiagnosis techniques

Immunodiagnosis techniques Immunodiagnostics is a diagnostic methodology that uses an antigen-antibody reaction as their primary means of detection. The concept of using immunology as a diagnostic tool was introduced in 1960 as a test for serum insulin. A second test was developed in 1970 as a test for thyroxine in the 1970s. It is well-suited … Read more

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone (O3) is a molecule made up of three atoms of oxygen (O), and is mostly found in the strato- sphere, where it protects us from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Although it represents only a tiny fraction of the atmosphere, ozone is crucial for life on Earth. The stratospheric ozone layer forms a … Read more

Current Science & Technology developments in India

Value Addition by Science & Technology- Current Science & Technology developments in India Science and Technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation. Technology plays a Fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement of the quality of life and real economic growth and transformation in any society. The role of Science and … Read more

Tissue culture methods and applications

Tissue culture methods and applications Tissue culture refers to a method in which fragments of a tissue (plant or animal tissue) are introduced into a new, artificial environment, where they continue to function or grow. While fragments of a tissue are often used, it is important to note that entire organs are also used for … Read more

Issues related to Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Science and Technology

Patents and Intellectual Property Rights.  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are set of rights associated with creations of the human mind. An output of the human mind may be attributed with intellectual property rights. These are like any other property, and the law allows the owner to use the same to economically profit from the intellectual … Read more

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