Daily current affair 10 October 2015

Sunset clause on tax exemption It will  provide open and corporate tax exemption . While trimming the list of sector that are entitled to such benefits on research and development and capital expenditure it will help in phasing out corporate exemption and thus it will lower the corporate tax rate and on the other hand … Read more

Daily current affair 3 October 2015

Mapping of Ancient India scientific achievement Indian Council of historical research will map the countries scientific achievement starting from Vedic Era up to the 18th century . Indian Council of historical research will draft historians to study in ancient literature such as :- Vedas Puranas Dharmshastra artha shastra  Vedanga Jyotisha  Rasasastra Vastu Shastra  to trace … Read more

Daily current affair 22 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Problems in Indian Healthcare system Insufficient hygiene and patient isolation Protocol in Operation rooms and Intensive Care units. poorly managed infrastructure and understaffing overcrowding and lack of handwashing  by Hospital staff Indian national policy for Containment of antimicrobial resistance 2011 -identified  infection prevention and control measures as a crucial step for preventing hospital acquired diseases. … Read more

Daily current affair 7 October 2015

Sahitya Akademi Award winners returning their awards Against the recent killings of rationalist and writers mm Kalburgi ,Narendra Dabholkar and Govind pansare Sahitya Akademi winners have returned their awards. They have termed such attacks not only to be against the constitution of India which provide right to life under article 21 but even against the … Read more

Daily current affair 6 October 2015

Indo German agreements During the visit of German chancellor Angela Merkel two sides find various such as:- Memorandum of understanding on security cooperation  joint declaration of intent on cooperation in field of disaster management  border protection  aviation security  cybercrime illegal migration and  counterfeit currency India Germany climate and renewable energy Alliance:- a comprehensive partnership to … Read more

Daily current affair 27 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Sudarshan Pattanaik– Sand sculpture artist Kullavi Nati-Traditional dance of Kullu in Himachal Pradesh Karvan-e-aman-Indo Pak bus service between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad capital of Pakistan occupied Kashmir it was started in the year 2005 Aman Setu or peace Bridge –is in uri sector Retributive sentencing Retributive justice is a theory of justice that considers punishment, if proportionate, … Read more

Daily current affair 23-24 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Assisted reproductive Technologies bill It will regulate the surrogacy in the country. surrogacy is an arrangement or agreement in which a pregnancy is carried for intended parents by a married woman aged 21 to 35 years, she can bear 5 children in all including her own. In case of violation 3year imprisonment or fine will … Read more

Daily current affair 26 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Child abuse and sexual exploitation Madras High Court recently stated that the child rapist should be castrated the suggestion of Castration looks Barbaric but the barbaric acts should  definitely attract barbarik models of punishment. Suggestions for controlling child abuse-Constituting a Commission headed by retired Supreme Court just to collect opinions on child abuse. Chillai Kalan It … Read more

Daily current affair 5 October 2015

Problems with criminal justice system National crime record Bureau figures for 2014 states that almost 68 % of the inmates of India’s overflowing prison are under trial and 70 % of those converts are illiterate in 1987 The Law Commission recognised that the low operation ratio is  leading pendency in courts and had recommended that … Read more

Daily current affair 20-21 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Constitutionality of national judicial appointment Commission Recent judgement by justice J.S. Khelkar  strike down the national judicial appointment Commission as unconstitutional It was propossed in constitutional 99th ammendment Constitution of India provides that as a judge of Supreme Court and High Court shall be appointed by the president after consultation with judges of the supreme … Read more

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