DMPQ- . Briefly describe AWACS program ? How does it strengthens India’s defence?

AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control Subscribe on YouTube System) a mobile, long-range radar surveillance and control centre for air defense. The system, as developed by the U.S. Air Force, is mounted in a specially modified Boeing 707 aircraft. Its main Join Our Telegram Channel radar antenna is mounted on a turntable housed in a circular … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the following terms;         1) TAccavi         2) Repo rate         3) Base rate         4) Marginal cost of fund based lending rate

What is Taccavai? Ans:  Taccavai is agricultural loan given to poor cultivators to relieve their distress and enable them to pay land revenue in time. What is repo rate?   Ans:  Repo rate is the interest rate at which the RBI lends money to commercial banks.  It is a monetary policy instrument which can be … Read more

DMPQ- Essay topics for RAS Mains Exam

ESSAY (Compulsory)   Time :  3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100     *    Write two essays, choosing one each from Sections A and B. *  The attempt has to be in the same language, either English or Hindi. *  Each attempt should be in Join Our Telegram Channel about 900 words individually. * Credit … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the following terms green mobility Eutrophication Biochemical oxygen demand

1)     Green mobility refers to all those mobility options that emit lower emissions – in terms of Join Our Telegram Channel CO2 gm/ Km than pure Internal combustion engine- through the use of alternate fuels, driven -train technologies or other measures. Eg. Bio fuel and methanol based mobility, CNG based mobility, Electric and Hybrid Mobility, … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the following: 1) Global Human Capital Index 2) Municipal Bond 3) P-notes 4) Security transaction tax

What is global human capital index?   Ans:     Global human capital index is released by world economic forum It rank countries on the basis of four thematic dimensions such as capacity, development, deployment and know-how. India ranked at 103rd out of 130 countries.     What is municipal Bond?   Ans:     A municipal bond is … Read more

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