DMPQ- Explain following terms: a) Disinvestment b) Strategic Disinvestment c) Privitisation d) Offer for sale e) Cross Holding

a) Disinvestment: Disinvestment means sale or liquidation of assets by the government, usually Central and state public sector enterprises, projects, or other fixed assets.The government undertakes disinvestment to reduce the fiscal burden on the exchequer, or to raise money for meeting specific needs, such as to bridge the revenue shortfall from other regular sources. b) … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Crowding out effect?

Crowding out is an economic concept that describes a situation where government spending and borrowing reduces overall private sector consumption and investment. Crowding out can be caused by an expansionary fiscal policy financed by increased taxes, borrowing or both. Crowding out can refer to when government borrowing absorbs all the available lending capacity in the … Read more

DMPQ: What are the opportunities and challenges confronting the Indian small scale industrial sector in the era of globalization

The development of small scale industrial sector has been one of the major planks of India‟s economic development strategy since independence. India accorded high priority to this sector from the very beginning and pursued support policies to make these enterprises viable and vibrant. Despite numerous protection and policy measures for the past so many years … Read more

DMPQ: Even though Indian economy is growing at a rate of 7% GDP, but still it has some  Inherent vulnerabilities? Discuss

Investment – For sustaining high growth, the economy need to continuously add to its “production capacity” through new investment flows. • Productive investment is money that is spent for – building roads, ports (and other public infrastructure), factories, and workforce quality enhancement. • Currently, India is seeing a sharp decline in the rate of investments … Read more


SWAYATT is an initiative to promote Start-ups, Women and Youth Advantage Through eTransactions on Government e-Marketplace (GeM). This will bring together the key stakeholders within theIndian entrepreneurial ecosystem to Government e-Marketplace the national procurement portal. The nationallaunch of SWAYATT would further seek to promote inclusiveness by catapulting various categories of sellersand service providers, take proactive … Read more

Highlight the Characteristics of Indian economy.

Indian economy has come a long way since independence. From socialist pattern to liberalised era it , from being agrarian to service oriented economy it has seen many ups and downs. The basic features of Indian economy are enumerated as follows: India is a developing economy with low per capita income. Current Per capita income … Read more

DMPQ- What is Nirvik Scheme?

Ministry of Commerce & Industry throughExport Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) has introduced a new Export Credit Insurance Scheme (ECIS) called NIRVIK to enhance loan availability and ease the lending process.Enhanced cover will ensure that Foreign and Rupee export credit interest rates will be below 4%and 8% respectively for exporters.Under ECIS, insurance coverpercentage has also been … Read more

DMPQ:What is tax to gdp ration? What are the reasons for low tax to gdp ratio forIndia?

The tax-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of tax collected compared to national gross domestic product (GDP). In a simpler language, it would be Tax contribution towards GDP.Some countries aim to increase the tax-to-GDP ratio by a certain percentage to address deficiencies in their budgets. In states where tax revenue has gone up significantly in comparison … Read more