DMPQ: What is Organic farming

Concept of organic farming, seed certification Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. Organic farming continues to be developed by various organic agriculture organizations today. It relies on fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal … Read more

DMPQ-Significance of Caspian sea treaty.

On 12 August 2018, after 20 years of talks, the leaders of the five littoral states to the Caspian Sea – Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan – finally signed a treaty defining its legal status. The ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ has not resolved all the long-standing issues; in fact, … Read more

DMPQ: What are the ways via which effect of climate change can be mitigated on agriculture?

According to economic survey, In a year where temperatures are 1 degree Celsius higher farmer incomes would fall by 6.2 percent during the kharif season and 6 percent during rabi in unirrigated districts. Similarly, in a year when rainfall levels were 100 millimetres less than average, farmer incomes would fall by 15 percent during kharif … Read more

DMPQ: What do you understand by the term soil erosion and soil degradation? what are the causes of soil erosion? List down the solution to curb soil erosion.

Soil erosion : It is the process by which top layer of soil gets removed thus affecting the productivity by altering the structure of the soil. It is a natural process but human intervention has accentuated the rate of depletion of soil wealth. Soil Degradation:  It is a process through which qualitative degradation of soil … Read more

DMPQ- Short note on ITCZ

The Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, is the region that circles the Earth, near the equator, where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together. The intense sun and warm water of the equator heats the air in the ITCZ, raising its humidity and making it buoyant. Aided by the convergence of … Read more

DMPQ-. Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?

After independence, India witnessed green , blue and white revolutions in farm, fishery and dairy sector respectively. Green revolution: It was initiated to achieve food security in the country. It included three components : continued expansion of farming areas, double-cropping existing farmland, using seeds with improved genetics. The Green Revolution resulted in a record grain … Read more

DMPQ: Compare Temperate cyclone and tropical cyclone.

  Factors Temperate Tropical Latitude 300- 600 50- 300 Originating element Frontogenesis Temperature and Coriolis force Cloud Wide range of clouds associated Generally Clumonimbus Rainfall and life Rainfall is slow. It remain in life for many days. Rain is heavy but does not last beyond few hrs. Isobars Complete circle with steep gradient V shaped … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on sprinkler Irrigation.

It involves applying irrigation water which is similar to natural rainfall. Water is distributed through a system of pipes usually by pumping. It is then sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small water drops which fall to the ground. The pump supply system, sprinklers and operating conditions must be … Read more

Give an account for the following: (map based questions) a) Great lakes b) Lake Baikal c) Lake Tanganyika d) Aral sea

(a)Great lakes  Great Lakes of North America are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes which connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario . Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario [In the order of largest to smallest].Lake Superior is the largest continental lake in the … Read more