DMPQ- Explain the importance of Farm Power.

The world is entering in the twenty-first century so that every sector of the economy should prepare itself to face the challenges of the coming century. There will be need to produce more than what is being produced and there would be greater demand for food, fiber and other commodities. The land area is limited … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean By M Sand and write down its benefit.

Manufactured sand (M-Sand) is a substitute of river sand for concrete construction . Manufactured sand is produced from hard granite stone by crushing.The crushed sand is of cubical shape with grounded edges, washed and graded to as a construction material. The size of manufactured sand (M-Sand) is less than 4.75mm.Manufactured sand is an alternative for … Read more

DMPQ- Big hydropower projects were once termed temple of modern India. Why the Government is not keen on creating big hydropower projects?

Environmental Consequences One of the primary disadvantages of hydroelectric energy is its potential to destroy ecosystems. Plant and animal life in rivers and streams depends on certain environmental factors, from the speed at which the water flows, the level of water in the river bed, and the temperature of the water to the exact mix … Read more

DMPQ: . Give the account of the following. ( World geography) a) Andes b) Rocky c) Great dividing range d) Drakesnberg

Andes:  Longest continental mountain range in the world.  They are   found in South America. They formed due to ocean-continent collisions and subduction of oceanic crust beneath the south American plate. Mount Aconcagua is the highest peak.( 6962m) The rocky mountains:   They are fold mountains found in the western margi of the North American continent. They … Read more

DMPQ- How Tides are generated?

High and low tides are caused by the Moon. The Moon’s gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the Moon and the side farthest from the Moon. These bulges of water are high tides. As the Earth rotates, your region … Read more

What is Mixed cropping? What is the criteria for the selection of crops during mixed cropping? Write down the advantages of mixed cropping? (science)

The practice of cultivating two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is called mixed cropping. During mixed cropping, if one crop faces adverse conditions or pathogen attack then the other crop can be saved.The basic objective in mixed cropping is to minimize the risk and insure against the crop failure due to … Read more

Give an account on the geographical distribution of Atomic minerals in India.

Atomic minerals are the most important among non-fossil energy resources. They are found in the slate rocks of the pre-Cambrian (Archean Schist) and Dharwar periods in India. Uranium and Thorium are major minerals for the production of atomic energy. Uranium is mined directly whereas for thorium is obtained mainly from monazite and limonite. Thorium is … Read more

DMPQ: Effect of climate change on Himalayan Glaciers and effect on human settlement.

According to the IPCC report by 2010 45% of Himalaya  will be shrinked. The rate of shrinkage is 0.5% annually. There are various reason for Himalayan shrinkage which are discussed below: Weak monsoon affecting snow accumulation Because of global warming, rise in temperature In the eastern and central Himalayan, it shows mainly during monsoon season … Read more