Politician And Civil Servant Relations

 Politician and Civil Servant Relations It is an era of welfare states. Gone are the days when states were either instruments of tyranny or mere custodians of law and order. Nowadays the states not only protect and restrain but also foster and promote. As such the role of the ministers, who work for … Read more

Uniform Civil Code

 Uniform civil code A uniform civil code administers the same set of secular civil laws to govern all people irrespective of their religion, caste and tribe. The need for such a code takes in to account the constitutional mandate of securing justice and equality for all citizens. A uniform criminal code is applicable … Read more


 Charities The practice of charity means the voluntary giving of help to those in need, as a humanitarian act. There are instances in India, of great men, who gave their all to the cause of charity. One such man was Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, the great political leader and a renowned barrister. He donated … Read more

Objectives of Indian Constitution

Objectives of Indian Constitution Sovereignty By declaring us as a sovereign entity, Preamble emphasizes complete political freedom. It implies that our state is internally powerful and externally free. She is free to determine for herself without any external interference. There is none within her to challenge her authority. Only this attribute of sovereignty has made … Read more


 EXECUTIVE–ITS ACCOUNTABILITY TO PARLIAMENT RELATION OF PARLIAMENT WITH THE EXECUTIVE One of the most important questions which engaged the attention of the framers of the Constitution was the nature of the Executive and its relation with the Legislature. Dr. Ambedkar observed in introducing the Constitution:   The decision of the Constituent … Read more

Class And Caste In Indian Politics

 Class and caste in Indian politics Caste in Indian society refers to a social group where membership is largely decided by birth. Each such local group avoids entering into marital relationship with outsiders. Originally, this group was associated with a specific profession. The mutual relationship of one caste with the other is established … Read more

Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation in India

Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation in India India is an agrarian economy with more than half of the population living in rural areas and depending on agriculture for their income. However, since the economic liberalization in the year 1991, India’s focus has mostly driven to the development of other sectors which has paved way for the … Read more

Polity Booster- State and non-State actors in creating challenges to internal security

State and non-State actors in creating challenges to internal security India was partitioned in the backdrop of large-scale communal riots, but the partition of the country on religious lines, without taking into consideration its multiple identities, instead of bringing the communal tensions down, in fact, worsened the situation. The two-nation theory created Pakistan, and it … Read more

Transparency International And Accountability

 Transparency International (TI) is an international non-governmental organization which is based in Berlin, Germany, and was founded in 1993. Its nonprofit purpose is to take action to combat global corruption and prevent criminal activities arising from corruption. It publishes for example the Global Corruption Barometer and the Corruption Perceptions Index. Transparency International has the … Read more


Federalism Federalism, mode of political organization that unites separate states or other polities within an overarching political system in a way that allows each to maintain its own integrity. Federal systems do this by requiring that basic policies be made and implemented through negotiation in some form, so that all the members can share in … Read more