DMPQ- What is Judicial Accountability? How has Judicial Accountabilty been ensured in Indian Constitution?

 Accountability is the core principle of any democracy. In our democracy it is only the executive and the legislature which is held accountable and not the judiciary. Judges are also public officials and hence should be made accountable.  It is essential to ensure accountability of the judges to ensure public confidence in the … Read more

DMPQ- What is Governance & Services on Demand?

Over the years, a large number of initiatives have been undertaken by various State Governments and Central Ministries to usher in an era of e-governance. Sustained efforts have been made at multiple levels to improve the delivery of public services and simplify the process of accessing them. E-governance in India has steadily evolved from computerization … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Delimitation Commission.

The delimitation commission or boundary commission of India is a commission established by the government of India under the provisions of the delimitation commission Act. The main task of the commission is redrawing the boundaries of the various assembly and Lok Sabha constituencies based on a recent census.  The representation from each State is not … Read more

DMPQ: What are the types of pressure groups? Discuss the significane of Pressure groups.

Pressure group is an organised group of people that wants to influence the policies or activities of those in able to make decision. This could be at a local, national or international level of government. There are various types of Pressure groups summarised below: Social or Identity based groups: They have one particular identity. There … Read more

DMPQ-Though the provision was used many times for the good of deprived sections, the Supreme Court’s vast powers under the Article 142 raise important concerns. Discuss, along with the need for checks and balances to uphold the doctrine of separation of powers.

Article 142 empowers the Supreme Court to make such order as is necessary for doing “complete justice” in any matter before it. Article 142 is conceived to give the apex court the powers to meet the situation(s) which cannot be effectively tackled by existing provisions of law. Over the years, the apex court has often … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the reasons Why India adopted Parliamentary system instead of Presidential system .

. A plea was made in favour of US presidential system of government in the Constituent Assembly4. But, the founding fathers preferred the British parliamentary system due to the following reasons: Familiarity with the System The Constitution-makers were somewhat familiar with the parliamentary system as it had been in operation in India during the British … Read more

DMPQ- “The Linguistic Reorganization of the States became the base of reorganization of India after independence.” Elucidate.

The reorganization of the states on the basis of language, a major aspect of national consolidation and integration, came to the fore almost immediately after independence. The boundaries of provinces in pre-1947 India had been drawn in a haphazard manner as the British conquest of India had proceeded for nearly a hundred years. No heed … Read more

DMPQ- PradhanmantriSahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana.

It is  to provide energy access to all by last mile connectivity and electricity connections to all remaining un-electrified households in rural as well as urban areas to achieve universal household electrification in the country. The electricity connection to households include release of electricity connections by drawing a service cable from the nearest pole to … Read more