DMPQ- Describe how Indian Police is overburdened. Also mention the major lacks in police infrastructure in Indian police.

State police forces had 24% vacancies (about 5.5 lakh vacancies) in January 2016. Hence, while the sanctioned police strength was 181 police per lakh persons in 2016, the actual strength was 137 police. Note that the United Nations recommended standard is 222 police per lakh persons.  86% of the state police comprises of constabulary. Constables … Read more

DMPQ- Evaluate the centre State Relations During Emergencies

Under President’s Rule: The State Governments cannot ignore the directions of the Union Government, otherwise the President can take the action against the Government of the State stating that the administration cannot be carried on the accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and thus can impose President’s rule on the State. In such an … Read more

DMPQ-Differentiate between the concept of ‘Individual responsibility’ and ‘Collective responsibility’.

The fundamental principle underlying the working of parliamentary system of government is the principle of collective responsibility. Article 75 clearly states that the council of ministers is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha. This means that all the ministers own joint responsibility to the Lok Sabha for all their acts of ommission and commission. They … Read more

DMPQ- What are the safeguards provided in the constitution for effective functioning of CAG?

Since auditing is a task of impartial evaluation of the performance of governmental functions, it requires autonomy for the CAG. Constitution has thereby secured independence via following provisions: He is appointed by the President by a warrant under his hand and seal and his oath of office requires him to uphold the Constitution of India … Read more

DMPQ- Independent mechanism for election of Chief election commissioner and election commissioner is need of the hour. Comment

  Election Commission of India (ECI) is a constitutional body under Article-324 vested with the responsibilities of superintendence, direction and control of conduct of elections. It consists of a Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners. Election commission independence is bedrock of our democracy. It ensures free and fair elections. But there are inherent problems with election … Read more