DMPQ- Write Short Note on National Supercomputing Mission. (SCIENCE)

The Mission envisages empowering our national academic and R&D institutions spread over the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-performance computing facilities. These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN). The Mission would be implemented and steered jointly by the … Read more

DMPQ: What is ‘Pratyush’? Discuss its advantage. (Science)

 Pratyush is an array of computers that will be used for weather and climate research. Pratyush is the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world dedicated to weather and climate research and follows machines in Japan, USA and the United Kingdom. Pratyush is an array of computers that can deliver a peak power of 6.8 petaflops … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main Branches of medicine ?

There are many branches in medicine. Here are some of them. Anatomy: This is the study of the physical structure of the body. Biochemistry: A biochemist studies chemical components and how they affect the body. Biomechanics: This focuses on the structure of biological systems in the body and how they work, using a mechanical approach. … Read more

DMPQ-What is Codex Alimentarius?

The Codex Alimentarius is the food code that has become the global food standard for consumer foods, food producers and processors, national food regulatory agencies and international trade practices. The code has enormous impact and its influence extends to every continent. The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by the UN Food and Agricultural … Read more

DMPQ- Recently RNA interference was in the news, what do you understand by the term RNAi and write down its application?

The term RNA interference (RNAi) was coined to describe a cellular mechanism that uses the gene’s own DNA sequence of the gene to turn it off, a process that researchers call silencing. In a wide variety of organisms, including animals, plants, and fungi, RNAi is triggered by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). During RNAi, long dsRNA is … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the Amplitude and Wavelength of sound wave.

Amplitude Amplitude, the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is equal to one-half the length of the vibration path. The amplitude of a pendulum is thus one-half the distance that the bob traverses in moving from one side to the other. … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Project Beehive.

Project Beehive was launched by the Army’s Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers(EME) on September 1,2019. The project seeks to achieve greater automation of the Corps and connect all its workshops to an integrated smart network with real-time data analytics capabilities.The centralised network would allow Indian army to access data about any equipment across the … Read more

DMPQ: What is Integrated Guided Missile Development programmes?

The Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) was conceived by renowned scientist Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam to enable India attain self-sufficiency in the field of missile technology. The following are the Key components of the Programme:   Short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Prithvi-The Prithvi missile is a family of tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles … Read more

DMPQ: What is blockchain technology? List down advantage and application

A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Constantly growing as ‘completed’ blocks (the most recent transactions) are recorded and added to it in chronological order, it allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which is downloaded … Read more