DMPQ- Comment on the current status of Technology and Innovation in India.

Recognizing the crucial role of technology and innovation in economic development, India’s policy makers have taken several initiatives to promote science, technology and innovation. Various schemes have been launched to attract, nurture and retain young researchers and women scientists in the field of scientific research. Some important achievements in the field of science and technology … Read more

DMPQ-What do you mean by quantum supremacy and how it is going to be beneficial in our quest for prowess in Information and Technology.

Quantum supremacy refers to quantum computers being able to solve a problem that a classical computer cannot. In the research paper, Google used a 53-qubit processor to generate a sequence of millions of numbers. Though these numbers appeared randomly generated, they conform to an algorithm generated by Google. A classical supercomputer checked some of these … Read more

DMPQ: What is cloud seeding? What are its possible application?

Cloud seeding is the process of spreading either dry ice, or more commonly, silver iodide aerosols, into the upper part of clouds to try to stimulate the precipitation process and form rain. There are three cloud seeding methods– Hygroscopic cloud seeding disperses salts through flares or explosives in the lower portions of clouds. The salts grow in size as … Read more

DMPQ- What is MTCR (Missile technology control regime) ? What advantages India have after becoming it’s member ?

. Established in April 1987, the voluntary Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) aims to limit the spread of ballistic missiles and other unmanned delivery systems that could be used for chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks. The regime urges its 35 members, which include most of the world’s key missile manufacturers, to restrict their exports of … Read more

DMPQ- Briefly outline the features and need of The Revised National TB Control Programme?

The Revised National TB Control Programme The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) thus formulated, adopted the internationally recommended Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy, as the most systematic and cost-effective approach for TB control in India. Political and administrative commitment, to ensure the provision of organised and comprehensive TB control services was obtained. Adoption … Read more

DMPQ- What is AVATAR (Aerobic vehicle for hypersonic aerospace transportation) ? Discuss it’s signicance in boosting India’s defence.

.  AVATAR is a single-stage reusable spaceplane capable of horizontal takeoff and landing, being developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization along with Indian Space Research Organization and other research institutions; it could be used for cheaper military and civilian satellite launches. According to the Designers, Hyperplane projects of the 1980’s – the X-30, … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Internet saathi.

In rural India, only three in 10 internet users are a woman (​IMRB’s I Cube Report 2017​). A partnership with Tata Trusts, Internet Saathi gives women access to the digital world, and knowledge they can use and share. The program trains “Saathis” — specialists — who in turn can train their community and neighboring villages. … Read more

DMPQ: What is Biopiracy? Give some examples?

Biopiracy is the practice of commercially exploiting naturally occurring genetic material or biochemical. Most of the indigenous people possess a traditional knowledge that mainly comprises of genetic diversity and biological feature of the natural environment from generation to generation. Some of the traditional knowledge that is relevant to global survival includes the following components. Medicinal … Read more