DMPQ: Government policies and schemes for the welfare of tribals have not borne the desired result. List down the causes of the ineffectiveness of the schemes and policies . Give some suggestions to improve their condition.

Tribal areas are defined as an island of extreme poverty. About 85% of the tribal people are living Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube below poverty line and 48% are still illiterate. The causes are as follows: Inadequate implementation of Constitutional safeguards. Denial of participation to tribals in development process Lack of accountability : … Read more

DMPQ: What is a social problem? Discuss the major social problems faced by India? (Scoiology)

Social problem is a condition which is Subscribe on YouTube defined by a considerable number of persons as a deviation from some social norms which they cherish. The major social problems in the early phase of the Indian civilization were increasing rigidity of social hierarchy, continuous conflicts between the Aryans and the Dasas, emphasis on … Read more

DMPQ-Sangeet Natak Academy.

The Sangeet NatakAkademi – India’s national academy for music, dance and drama – is the first National Academy of the arts set-up by the Republic of India. It Subscribe on YouTube was created by a resolution of the (then) Ministry of Education, Government of India, Join Our Telegram Channel dated 31 May 1952 notified in … Read more

DMPQ: what were the factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture?

Culture of India was in a stage of questioning because of the rational outlook brought up by the Britishers. The culture of India experienced the ideals of modernity. The factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture were: Spread of Nationalism: The rising tide of nationalism and democracy also … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the different social problems faced by the Women of India.

Some of the major problems faced by Women in Indian society are: Selective abortion and love for male child Dowry Domestic violence Sexual harassment Subscribe on YouTube at workplace High crime rate against women/ high incidence of sexual harassment at workplace Lower participation in workforce, Legislative assemblies and Parliament, Unequal pay for equal work Lack … Read more

DMPQ: write down the features of Indian society. ( Society)

  Highly evolved society. Assimilatory in character. Presence of highly developed social institutions. A mix of traditionalism and modernity is also visible in Indian society. A balance of spiritualism and Modernity. Secular outlook and tolerant behaviour. Indian society is majorly patriarchal Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube ( add patrilocal and patrilineal)in character. Indian … Read more

DMPQ- What is mob lynching and discuss the causes of Mob lynching.

Mob lynching is attacking some one, physically assaulting a person leading to death, by a group of people loosely connected to each other, on the basis of some false information, mostly on the basis of unconfirmed rumours like Subscribe on YouTube cow slaughter, beef eating, child lifting, theft, enticing women, etc.  Reasons for higher incidence … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Asur Tribe.

Asur Tribe is an Austroasiatic ethnic group living primarily in the Indian state of Jharkhand. They are included in the list of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG’s). The main festival of the tribe includes Sarhul, Phagua, Navakhans among others. As per the 2011 census, the tribe has a population of around 23,000 in Latehar and … Read more

DMPQ: Why student suicide is increasing at a rapid rate in the recent past? ( SOCIOLOGY)

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, between 2014 and 2016, 26,476 students committed suicide in India. Of them, 7,462 committed suicide due to failure in various examinations.  According to the sociologist Emile Durkheim had famously hypothesised that suicides are a result of not just psychological or emotional factors but social factors as well. The … Read more

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