DMPQ:What is Attitude? Write down the characteristics of attitude?

Attitudes are the complex combination of things we tend to call personality, beliefs,values, behaviours, and motivations. It can fall anywhere along a continuum from very favourable to very unfavourable. All people, irrespective of their status or intelligence, hold attitudes. Characteristics of Attitude: Enduring: Integral component of personality Acquired: Developed through socialisation. Subject-Object relationship: Objectification of … Read more

DMPQ- Although untouchability is totally banned in India, Modern forms of untouchability still prevail in India. Do you agree with the statement?

  Discrimination against Dalits penetrates numerous aspects of daily life in India. It affects access to education and medical facilities and imposes restrictions on housing and what kind of work Dalits can carry out. Denial of rented house to dalit community by non dalit community. Discriminatory behaviour with dalit community at university level especially in … Read more

DMPQ:What is integrity? Name different types of integrity.

Word Integrity comes from the Latin word Integer meaning whole or complete. Itmeans soundness of moral principles. Person must be consistent across time andsituations.Persons’ inner sense of wholeness deriving from honesty and consistent uprightnessof character.A person with integrity does right things for right reasons. Integrity involves basingone’s actions on internally consistent framework or principles. People … Read more

DMPQ- Traditionalism vs modernism

Traditions represent the Actual Identity of particular society, while getting rid of them is supposed to be a sign of modernity. Traditions, quite often, keep us United, but modernity, usually, takes us apart from each other. A tradition implies an established method or practice; belief or custom, passed on to us by our ancestors. Much … Read more

DMPQ:What are the reasons for low sex ratio in our country?

Sex selection and medical technology is misused in India for detecting the sex of unborn child and ultimately for the) sex selection, Female foetuses, thus identified and aborted. gender inequality Lack of female empowerement Dowry and other social evils due to low contribution of female in economy of house female are not considered as important … Read more

DMPQ- Write short note on Regionalism.

Regionalism is defined as a feeling of loyalty to a particular part of a country and a wish for it to be more politically independent. It is not just a territorial unit but a culmination of socio-economic and political factors. Regionalism can be defined in connotations both positive and negative. Positive regionalism means love towards … Read more

DMPQ- Explain briefly the concept of ‘Rita’ and ‘Dharma’?

Rita is predecessor to Dharma and is the Original Rig Vedic concept which refers to the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it. Rita refer to the moral rules that are levied on us by society. It’s our prerogative whether we follow them or not. … Read more