DMPQ: Trace the evolution and growth of Jainism in India.

Jainism grew in India many thousands of years ago. As with Hinduism, some Jains believe that the origins are millions of years ago, although obviously it is impossible to verify the exact origins. The more realistic assessment is that the religion dates back to the second or third millennium BCE, and there are archaeological remnants … Read more

DMPQ: What were the main features of the Nature of peasant movement in India?

The characteristics of Peasant movement were: Movements were localised in character and did not leave and successor. The revolts were against the zamindars and money lenders. Unlike Tribal uprising the movements were not against the British colonialism and their exploitative policy. The revolts were characterised by hindu Muslim unity. Pre mutiny the movements were highly … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main Principles of Arya Samaj?

Principles of Arya Samaj: Acceptance of the Vedas as the only source of truth. Opposition to idol worship. Opposition to the theory of God-incarnation and religious pilgrimages. Recitation of the mantras of the Vedas and performance of ‘Havan’ and ‘Yajna’. Faith in female education. Opposition to child-marriage and polygamy. Propagation of Hindi and Sanskrit languages.

DMPQ- Give a brief description of the evolution of Marathi literature from early to modern period.

Answer. Maharashtra is situated on a plateau where a large number of local dialects were in use. Marathi grew out of these these local dialects. The Portuguese missionaries started using Marathi for preaching their gospel. The earliest Marathi poetry and prose is by Saint Jnaneshwar (Gyaneshwar) who lived in the thirteenth century. He wrote a … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on the Chittagong Armoury raid.

Surya Sen decided to organise an armed rebellion along with his associates—Anant Singh, Gariesh Ghosh and Lokenath Baul to show that it was possible to challenge the armed might of the mighty British Empire. They had planned to occupy two main armouries in Chittagong to seize and supply arms to the revolutionaries to destroy telephone … Read more

DMPQ:What is Renaissance? What are the causes of Renaissance?

The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic“rebirth” following the middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th centuryto the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy,literature and art. The Causes of Renaissance are: Rise of Intellectualism. Reintroduction of classical works. The invention of the … Read more

DMPQ- Illustrate the Administrative and Judicial Reforms by Lord William Bentick in British India.

Administrative and Judicial Reforms: The administrative structure of British India had been given shape by Cornwallis. But since the days of Cornwallis the company had made great advances, and defects in that structure became apparent as it had not kept pace with the advance. The judicial system especially suffered from the three great evils of … Read more

DMPQ- Elucidate the Origin of Partition of India.

The partition of India had been the real instance of peoples` demand through their representatives. The initial demand for a separate state was made by an eminent writer and philosopher Allama Iqbal who raised his voice for a separate electorate for the less represented group of Muslim Communities. With the passage of time this claim … Read more