DMPQ-Write a short note on United convention on laws of sea.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is an international treaty which was adopted and signed in 1982. It replaced the four Geneva Conventions of April, 1958, which respectively concerned the territorial sea and the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, the high seas, fishing and conservation of living resources on the … Read more

DMPQ- Shia Crescendo

The failure of U.S. policy toward Iran, Iraq, and Syria—the major Shia-led nations in the Middle East—creates significant risks for regional stability. These include a lethal conflict with Iran; upward pressure on oil prices; an Iraq caught between Iran’s orbit and state failure, and a rogue Syria fused to Russia and Iran. Neither Donald Trump … Read more

DMPQ- What is RCEP ? Analyze the economic implications for India of opting out of Agreement.

. Fifteen countries have formed the world's largest trading bloc, covering nearly a third of the global economy. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is made up of 10 Southeast Asian countries, as well as South Korea, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. The pact is seen as an extension of China's influence in the … Read more

DMPQ- Briefly describe wassenaar arrangement. Also mention it’s importance for India becoming the member of it.

. The Wassenaar Arrangement has been established in order to contribute to regional and international security and stability, by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, thus preventing destabilising accumulations. The aim is also to prevent the acquisition of these items by terrorists.  Participating States seek, through … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the recent India-Nepal border dispute.

On May 8, India’s defence minister virtually inaugurated a new 80 km-long road in the Himalayas, connecting to the border with China, at the Lipulekh pass. The Nepali government protested immediately, contending that the road crosses territory that it claims and accusing India of changing the status quo without diplomatic consultations. Lipulekh and Kalapani are … Read more

DMPQ-What is new development bank? Also mention the main objectives of the bank.

At the fourth BRICS Summit in New Delhi (2012), the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa considered the possibility of setting up a new Development Bank  to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS  and other emerging economies, as well as in developing countries. They directed Finance  Ministers to … Read more

DMPQ- India-US ties are strategically important in contemporary world.Evaluate. Mention the key points of US-India 2020 Summit.

The global pandemic has impacted everyone and that it is testing our resilience, our public health systems, our economic systems. The current situation demands a fresh mind set. A mind set where the approach to development is human centric. Where there is a spirit of cooperation between everyone India is becoming a leading attractions for … Read more