Jainism in Andhra Pradesh
Dharmamrita, a classic of 12th century A. D., mentionsthat even during the times of 12th TirthankaraVasupujya, Jainism was prevalent in the Andhra country.Tradition also says an Anga king come with his threesons to Vengi who later became Jainas and built a cityknown as Pratipalapura which is some where near modernBhattiprolu.
The Jaina tradition also mentions that Asoka’s grandsonSamprati became a Jaina and spread the religion inKalinga. The Andhra and the Kalinga countries mighthave been strongholds of non-vedic religions for long,for Bodhayana says that whoever goes to Kinga mustperform Prayschitta .
During the regime of Kharavela (2nd century B. C.),Jainism spread into many regions of Northern Andhra andOrissa. The rock caves at Khandagiri and Udayagiri beartestimony to the same6 . The Satavahana rulers of Pre-Christian era who ruled a vast territory which nowcomprises of Andhra, Maharashtra and Karnataka stateswere also influenced by Jainism. “Kalakasuri prabandha”writes that one of the Satavahana rulers ofPratistanapura used to attend a Jaina monk’s discourse.
Even before the reign of Chalukya king Pulakesi the(17th Century A. D.) Jainism was a dominant religionin the Karnataka. All the later kings like Vinayaditya,Vijayaditya helped Jaina saints in spreading theirreligion. During Vatapi Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas inwhose kingdoms much of Andhra (mainly Rayalasemsa andTelangana regions) was a territory influenced byJainism as these kings were great patrons of thisreligion.
During the Rashtrakuta king Nitya Varsha Indra Vallabha(915-927 A. D.) Bodhan was his capital and even now itis considered by the jainas as one of their AdimaThirthas. The famous Jaina Acharya Somadevasuri of thattime wrote many books and spread the faith theTelangana region. From 2nd century B. C. upto 800-900 A. D., there wereno inscriptions bearing the dates of that period. Itmight be the period of Jaina decline in Kalinga and itwas only during that period of Jaina decline inKalinga and it was only during that period the Vedicand the Buddhistic religions began to flourish in Kalinga.
Tradition says that in a village known as Gangaperuluin Rayalasema, a Jaina monk known as Simhanandi Acharyalived. The princes who fled from a town known asVijayapura in northern India, sought his protection andlater founded the famous Ganga dynasty with isblessings. Excavations conducted at Danavulapadu inCuddapah district revealed the extent of spread ofJainism in that area.
The founder of Eastern Chalukya dynastyKubjavishnuvardhana (624-641 A. D.) was brother ofPulakesi II. During his period Vijayawada was a greatJaina centre. His Danasasana (762 A. D.) indicates thathe was a great portion of Jaina religion. Ramatirtham in Visakhapatnam district was both aBuddhist and Jaina Kshetra and now it is a famous HinduKshetra. Excavations at Penugonda in East Godavaridistrict revealed that it was once a Jaina religiouscentre. At the time of Kullotunga Chola son of RajaRajanarendra, Munugodu in Sattenapalli taluq was aJaina kshetra. Another inscription of 1178 A.D.,reveals that Bhogapuram in Visakhapatnam Dt. was havingJaina temples. In Nellore district upto 13th Centurythere were Jaina temple
During the 12th and 13th centuries Saivism began tospread in Andhra and there used to be religious debatesover these religious faiths. There were many clashesbetween the followers of these faiths and of the JainaBastis (centres) were destroyed by the Saivites.Panditaradhyacarita and Palkuriki Somanatha andSivaratrimahatmya of Srinatha gives evidence to thisfact. It is a wonder that though Jainism was prevalent formore than 1500 years in Andhra only one book written aby a saint of this area is available now. It isJinendra Kalyanabhyudaya by Appayacharya (1241 Sakaera).
While Saivism became popular during Kaltiya kings,Vaishnavism became popular during Vijayanagara kings.Spread of these religions led to the decline of theJaina faith. Bur Jainas have their piligrim even now.Kollipaka in Nalgonda district is Jaina kshetra andPenugonda in Anantapur district is one of the JainaChaturdasa Mahavidya Sthnams.
Amaravati JainTeerth
This temple of Shri Padmaprabhu Bhagwan is located at a distance of 8 kilometers from Alirajpur village in a jungle. It is 80 kilometers away from Dahod railway station. This temple is about 2000 years old.
Shree Kulpakji Jain Temple
Here the black-colored idol of lord Bhagawan Adishvar in the ardh-Padmasana posture has been placed within an ancient temple. There are number of other idols of other tirthankars too. The grandeur of the idol of Manikyaswami and the sapphire-colored idol of lord Mahavir Swami is very attractive and has its own special place of importance. The temple is also a matchless specimen of art and architects. The idols of God here are of attractive and very high level sculpture.
The Bhagwan Prahwanatha Jain temple is very ancient and the idol of Parshwanatha is said to be (11 and 12C AD) is a very attractive and unique of its kind. Jain devotees from different parts of the country visit this place. There are number of other Jain Tirthankar’s idols along with the idol of lord Bhagwan Parshwanatha.
Jain Mandir, Warangal
The 2,000-year-old Jain temple of Lord Mahaveer is a famous place of worship for Jains in the country. The temple is embellished with beautiful images of Thirthankaras. The 5ft high image of lord Mahavira is entirely carved of Jade. Warangal is located on northern Andhra Pradesh State lies along the Chennai-Kazipet-Delhi rail route.
Warangal was the ancient capital of the Kakatiyas, an Andhra dynasty that flourished in the 12th century AD. Warangal fort is about 8 kilometers from Railway station. In the fort there are four Jain temples and some artistic articles. The city stands out for its beautiful lakes, temples and wildlife. It is very rich in antiques and relics. It is about 150KM away from Hydrabad.