DMPQ- Ijardari System.( Ancient History)

Ijaradari system was a form of land revenue system where the right of collecting revenue of a particular area was auctioned to the highest bidder. The Ijaradari system, which started from Shah Jahan’s time, grew more during the time of Aurangzeb. The practice of ijaradari spread all over India in the eighteenth century especially in … Read more

DMPQ: Congress ministries were formed in various province after elections in 1937. What were the provinces where congress ministries were formed. Outline the efforts of the ministries in the field of civil liberty.

Congress ministries were formed in Bombay, madras, Central provinces, Orissa, United Provinces, Bihar and later in NWPF and Assam also.  Even-though ministries had limited power congress ministries left no stone unturned to wards the social well being of the country.   The work under civil liberties: Laws giving emergency powers were repealed. Ban on illegal … Read more

DMPQ- Evaluate the contributions of Raja Rammohan roy and Brahmo samaj in socio-religious field.

. Raja Rammohan Roy (1772-1833), often called the the father of Indian Renaissance and the maker of Modern India, was a man of versatile genius. Rammohan Roy believed in the modern scientific approach and principles of human dignity and social equality. He put his faith in monotheism. He wrote Gift to Monotheists (1809) and translated … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the unique features of urban infrastructure and architecture during Harappan phase.

By 2600 BCE, small Early Harappan communities had developed into large urban centers. These cities include Harappa, Ganeriwala, and Mohenjo-daro in modern-day Pakistan and Dholavira, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Rupar, and Lothal in modern-day India. In total, more than 1,052 cities and settlements have been found, mainly in the general region of the Indus River and its … Read more

DMPQ- Parsi religious reform movement in British India enabled the Parsis to became socially the most westernized section of Indian society. Justify.

Religious reform began among the Parsis in Mumbai in the middle of the 19th century. In 1851, the Rehnumai Maz’dayasan Sabha or Religious Reform Association was founded by Nauroji Furdonji, Dadabhai Naoroji, S.S. Bengalee and others. They started a journal Rast Goftar, for the purpose of social-religious reforms among the Parsis. They also played an … Read more

DMPQ: Highlight the The Ideal of Service in Buddhism

  The “Mahaparinibbana Sutta” of the Dighanikaya describes seven conditions for the welfare, prosperity, and happiness of any community, nation or country. These conditions must be considered before serving the people for their gradual development and welfare. These seven conditions are: To assemble on occasion whenever necessary to discuss the affairs of the community. To … Read more

DMPQ- Throw light on the significance of the Champaran satyagraha in the Indian National freedom struggle.

The Champaran Satyagraha was the combination of an elements of extra-constitutional struggle as well as the employment of moral force against an adversary, an exemplar of the rule of law; and the use of compromise as a gambit. It marked as the first India’s Civil Disobedience movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi to protest against the … Read more

DMPQ- Write a note on the role of Dr Bheem Rao Ambedkar in the protective discrimination scheme or the reservation policy.

The real contribution of Ambedkar is reflected in the protective discrimination scheme or the reservation policy of the government envisaged under some provisions of Part III and many of Part IV dealing with the constitutional mandate to ameliorate the condition of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and the other backward classes. Provisions like Article … Read more

DMPQ-Write short note on the following: 1) Ahmadiya movement 2) Wahabi movement

  Ahmadiya Movement: This movement was founded by MirzaGhulam Ahmed in 1889. It was based on liberal principles. It described itself as the standard bearer of Mohamedan Renaissance, and based itself, like BrahmoSamaj, on the principle of Universal religion of all humanity, opposing jihad. The movement spread western liberal education among the Indian Muslims. However, … Read more