DMPQ- Mention the origin, salient features and material used in Gandhara School of Art.

  Greco-Buddhist art is the artistic manifestation of Greco-Buddhism, a cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism, which developed over a period of close to thousand years in Central Asia, between the conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC, and the Islamic conquests of the 7th century AD. Origin Place … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the important factors responsible for French revolution.

On the eve of French Revolution, France was under the ancient regime. It was the centre of autocratic rule. The French Bourbon monarchs enjoyed absolution. They declared themselves as the “Representative of God”. The French monarchs engaged themselves in Luxurious and extravagance at the royal court of Versailles. They had unlimited power. By the Letters … Read more

DMPQ: Congress tilted towards socialism and communism ideology post 1930 and started bringing the issues of the peasants in front of British. But congress ministries formed during 1937 were not able to unleash radical changes. Discuss. (History)

There were certain basic constraints before the congress ministries could undertake a complete overhaul of the agrarian structure by completely abolishing zamindari.  These constraints were:   The ministries did not have adequate powers. There were inadequate financial resources as a lion’s share was appropriated by the Government of India. Strategy of class adjustments was another … Read more

DMPQ-Highlight the salient features of Mathura school of art during 1st century A.D.

Mathurā art, style of Buddhist visual art that flourished in the trading and pilgrimage centre of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India, from the 2nd century BC to the 12th century AD; its most distinctive contributions were made during the Kushān and Gupta periods (1st–6th century AD). Images in the mottled red sandstone from the nearby Sīkri … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the Causes of Decline of Indian Handicraft in British India.

Causes of Decline: Decline of Indian courts: The disappearance of Indian courts struck the first blow at Indian handicrafts. As native states passed under British rule, the demand for fine articles, for display in durbars and other ceremonial occasions disappeared. The ordinary demand did continue for sometime longer, but the younger generation lacked the means … Read more

DMPQ: Write in 50 words about the following a) Wassenaar Agreement b) Australia group

Q. Australia Group Ans 26:      It is multilateral export control regime (MECR) and informal group that works to counter spread of materials, equipment and technologies that could contribute to development or acquisition of chemical and biological weapons by state or terrorist groups through harmonisation of state controls. It was established in 1985. It has now … Read more

DMPQ- What were the objectives of Home rule movement and also mention the major contribution of home rule movement.

The Home Rule League Movement (1916-18) was led by Bal Gangadhar Tilak in Maharashtra (excluding Bombay), Karnataka, Central Provinces and Berar and Annie Besant in the rest of the country. It was inspired by the Irish Home Rule Movement. The following were the objectives of the movement: Annie Besant demanded that India be granted self-government … Read more