DMPQ- Privatisation of Indian Railways has its own merits and demerits. Comment

Positives:   Introduction of modern technology. The improvement in technology will also mean that coaches that now require maintenance after running 4,000 km will need maintenance after every 40,000 km, which translates to either once or twice a month. Reduction in journey time comparable to operation by Indian railways due to technology introduce by private … Read more

DMPQ- The estimated growth of 7.53% in ‘nominal’ terms is the lowest since 1975-76. Also, this is the first time since 2002-03 that nominal GDP growth is projected to be in single digits. Why is this a major concern?

National Statistical Office (NSO) released the first advance estimates of the national income that projected growth in India’s GDP at market prices for 2019-20 at 4.98% in “real” terms, the lowest since the 3.89% in the global financial crisis year of 2008-09. But even more significant was the estimated growth of 7.53% in “nominal” terms, which … Read more

DMPQ- What is Build Operate Transfer (BOT)? Explain in detail.

A Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Project is typically used to develop a discrete asset rather than a whole network and is generally entirely new or greenfield in nature (although refurbishment may be involved). In a BOT Project the project company or operator generally obtains its revenues through a fee charged to the utility/ government rather … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on SDG India Index.

While countries around the world have been considering how to implement and measure success against the Goals, NITI Aayog has taken the lead by bringing out the SDG India Index – Baseline Report 2018, and showing how SDGs will be measured in India. NITI Aayog has constructed the SDG India Index spanning across 13 out … Read more

DMPQ- . “ A large numbers of public and private lenders are participants in Indian money market.” Elucidate.

Theoretically any one can participate in the market. Yet market practices and regulatory pronouncements have placed certain restrictions on participation for each of the sub-markets in the money market. Central Government The Central Government is an issuer of Government of India Securities (G-Secs) and Treasury Bills (T-bills). These instruments are issued to finance the government … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on ASPIRE Scheme.

Aspire – A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industries and Entrepreneurship.  It was launched by Ministry of MSME. ASPIRE- was launched to set up a network of technology centres and to set up incubation centres to accelarateenterpreneurship and also to promote startups for innovation in agro industry   The main objectives of the scheme … Read more

DMPQ-Land reforms were the initial initiatives taken post Independence era. Discuss the significance of the Land reforms.

The Indian agricultural system was plagued by ills of absentee landlordism, tenancy. Land reform was thereforeneeded to break the shackles of zamindari systems prevalent since British raj. Farmers were made owners of theirland after which they worked wholeheartedly on their farms. Significance of Land reforms in India: Land ceiling to disburse surplus land amongst small … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the indicators of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).

Physical Quality of Life Index (P.Q.L.I) was developed by famous economist Morris David in 1979 for 23 developed and developing countries. Morris David used the following three indicators to prepare a composite index known as Physical Quality of Life Index: Life Expectant Rate (L.E.I) Infant Mortality Rate (I.M.I) Basic Literacy Rate (B.L.I) Life Expectant Rate … Read more

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