Define the following term: (economy)

Tax incidence:  Tax incidence is the entity on whom tax is imposed. It is the distribution of the overall tax burden between sellers and buyers in an economy.     Tax burden:       It is the total amount of tax paid by a particular group of people, an industry etc especially as compared to what other … Read more

DMPQ-Write down the potential of big data analytics in various sectors.

Government: The Indian Government utilizes numerous techniques to ascertain how people areresponding to government action, as well as ideas for policy augmentation. Healthcare: Big data analytics plays a vital role in improving services and tackling some of theforemost challenges in the healthcare sector, especially in terms of patient profile analysis,genomic analysis, public health monitoring, diagnosis … Read more

DMPQ :India is passing through the phase of demographic dividend but at the same time India is also going to face issues of ageing population. In this context discuss the issues attached with the elderly Population.

With increase in the average expectancy age , the issue of elderly population will arise in the near future. The economy has to look into to take care of the elderly population. But there are some issues attached with ageing population: Lack of uniform and accessible pension system. Premium rates are different and there are … Read more

DMPQ: Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana.

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana  (PMMVY) is a Maternity Benefit Programme that is implemented in all the districts of the country in accordance with the provision of the National Food Security Act, 2013.Providing partial compensation for the wage loss in terms of cash incentive s so that the woman can take adequate res t before … Read more

DMPQ:What are the components of Global Hunger Index? What are the reasons for low ranking of India?

GHI considers four parameters to for ranking countries: Undernourishment: share of the population that is undernourished, reflectinginsufficient caloric intake;Child wasting: share of children under the age of five who are wasted (low weightfor-height), reflecting acute under-nutrition;Child stunting: share of children under the age of five who are stunted (low heightfor-, reflecting chronic under-nutrition; andChild mortality: … Read more

DMPQ- What is High speed railway project ? Throw light on the salient features of the project ?

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which undertook the study on  the feasibility of this prestigious project, submitted its report in July 2015. The project  was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, in December 2015, to  be implemented with Japanese technical and financial assistance. The memorandum of  understanding for cooperation between India and … Read more

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