DMPQ- Explain why relations between the European states were so full of tensions in the early years of the twentieth century.

The dawn of the 20th century was thus a time of anxiety for the British Empire. Challenged for the first time by the commercial, naval, and colonial might of many other industrializing nations, the British reconsidered the wisdom of splendid isolation. To be sure, in the Fashoda Incident of 1898 Britain succeeded in forcing France … Read more

DMPQ- . What do you understand by the Nagar Style of temple Architecture? How is it different from the Dravidan Style?

The Nagara style or Prasada style has become quite popular in North India. In this style, it is common to build a temple on a stone platform and unlike South Indian temples, these temples don’t have boundary walls or gateways. Earlier, there was only one shikhara built but as time passed, the complexities also increased … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the major ideas of enlightenment movement in Europe.

Enlightenment was based on rationalism i.e. logical reasoning based on facts. Cosmology, new world view based Newtonian physics and analysis of natural phenomena as system, secularism application of scientific theories to religion and security. Scientific method based on experimentation, observation and hypothesis. Utilitarianism, laws created for the common good and not for special interests, optimism … Read more

DMPQ- What were the factors that worked in the drafting of the American Constitution? Do you agree the US constitution being an Economic Document?

. In May 1787, fifty‐five delegates from twelve of the thirteen states met in Philadelphia. Among them were George Washington (chosen as the chair), Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton. As a group, the delegates were men in their thirties and forties, many were lawyers, and most had served in Congress. Although the stated … Read more

DMPQ:Explain the following terms: a) Ijara b) Kankut c) Khiraj

a) Ijara:  the Ijarahsystem or revenue farming was introduced to boost up the state’s revenue in Bengal in the reign of Jahandar Shah (1712–13), who was supported by nobel Zulfiqar Khan.Under this system, when peasant did not have resources available for cultivation or due to some calamity cultivation could not be done, the lands were farmed … Read more

DMPQ- Why did Magadha emerged as the most formidable mahajanapada?

Between the 6th and 4th century BCE, Magadha became the most important mahajanapada. The possible reasons could be: It was a region which was highly productive and hence surplus production was suitable for maintaining huge army. Magadha had huge resource of Iron. This metal was used both for weapons and tools. Latter increased the productivity … Read more

DMPQ: Although both Non cooperation and Civil disobedience were launched under the leadership of Gandhi but there were some differences in both the movements. Discuss the difference?

The Non-Cooperation movement was launched by Gandhi on 1st August 1920 while the Civil Disobedience movement was launched by Gandhi on 6th April 1930 at Dandi in Gujarat. Thus there was a gap of 10 years between the two movements. The Civil Disobedience movement was centred around the defiance of salt laws throughout the country … Read more

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