DMPQ: Explain the following term: a) Khud kashta b) PahiKashta c) Antyaja d) Jama e) Hasil

Khudkasht:          Those residential peasants living in their own village, owning their own land and implements, paying the land-revenue at a concessional rate, formed the governing body of the village community. Also called mirasdars in Maharashtra and gharu-hala in Rajasthan. Pahi-kasht:          These peasants were basically outsiders but cultivated the rented land in a vil­lage either by … Read more

DMPQ: What is the importance of Regulating act? What are the features of the act?

It was the first step taken by the British Government to control and regulate the affairs of the EIC in India.  First time, British government recognized the political and administrative functions of the EIC. British government laid the foundations of central administration in India. The Act designated the Governor of Bengal as the ‘Governor-General of … Read more

DMPQ- Explain how linguistic issues became a huge challenge during consolidation of India

. Just after independence Justice Dhar Commission or Linguistic Provinces Commission of 1948 and another committee JVP Committee in the same year headed by Jawahar Lal, Vallabhai Patel and Pattabhi Sitaramayya advised against creation of states on linguistic lines and instead they recommended creation of states on the basis of administrative convenience for unity, security … Read more

DMPQ :Write a short Note on J P Movement?

From 1973 there was a sharp recession, growing unemployment,rampant inflation and scarcity of basic food. The oil crisis of the mid 70’s had also contributed to the crisis and all of these developments together led to riots and large-scale unrest and strikes and erosion of support for the Congress from the poor and the middle … Read more

DMPQ: Mention the Role Of Women In Indian National Movement.

  The participation of women in National Movement legitimised the Indian National Congress. The British understood that the method of Satyagraha had a special appeal for women. The participation of women in the freedom movement also influenced the movement for Women’s rights. It legitimised their claim to a place in the governance of India. However, … Read more

DMPQ: Enumerate the characteristics of 1857 revolt.

( Incorporate introduction in your own words) It was spread to various sections of India. Undoubtedly revolt began as sepoy mutiny, but it was not confined to army only. All those sections of Indian population whose interest had suffered under British rule had taken part in the revolt. In avadh and Bihar, the masses had … Read more

DMPQ: What was the August offer and its significance? (history)

August offer was the proposal from Viceroy Lord Linlithgow to seek the cooperation from the INC during the second world war. It was announced in August 1940. Major proposals of August offer were: 1)     Dominion status as the objective for India. 2)     Expansion of viceroy executive council 3)     No future constitution to be adopted without … Read more

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