DMPQ:What are electoral bonds? Electoral bonds does not pass the test of transparency. Comment (POLITY)

The Finance Bill, 2017, introduced “electoral bonds”, that are interest free bearer bonds. It is an instrument that is used to donate money to political parties. The parties involved will probably be a donor, the political party and the RBI — which acts as the intermediary.Electoral bonds can be purchased from an authorized bank, issued … Read more

DMPQ-Describe the role and objectives of Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities.

. In pursuance of the provision of Article 350-B of the Constitution, the office of the Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities was created in 1957. He is designated as the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities. The Commissioner takes up all the matters pertaining to the grievances arising out of the non- implementation of the Constitutional and … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the effects of the proclamation of emergency on the legislative relations? (Polity)

while a proclamation of emergency is in operation, the parliament can enact laws even on the subjects enumerated under the state list. The legislature of the state are not suspended, but the distribution of the legislative powers between the union and the states is suspended for the duration of the emergency. The parliament is also … Read more

DMPQ: . What is Washington consensus? (Polity)

It was a new development strategy developed in the early 1980’s. This term was coined due to the failure of the state owned intervention , communist and socialist strategies across the world. Governments of the socialist or the planned economies were urged/suggested to privatise and liberalise, to sell off state-owned companies and eliminate government intervention … Read more

DMPQ: Explain in brief the provisions of POSCO ( Acts) (Polity)

With the intent to effectively address the evil of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) was passed by the parliament in the year 2012. “Children” according to the Act are individuals aged below 18 years. The Act is gender neutral. Different forms of sexual abuse including … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main functions of Trade Unions in India?

Functions of Trade Unions in India Collective Bargaining-Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has defined Collective bargaining as“the technique by which dispute as to conditions of employment is resolved amicably by agreement rather than coercion”in this process negotiations and discussions take place between employer and employee in respect to working conditions.Refusing to bargain collectively is an … Read more

DMPQ- Amendment to the Indian constitution is mixed of flexibility and rigidity. Discuss the ways in which constitution can be amended.

Indian constitution is rightly said is a perfect blend of rigidity and flexibility as it cannot be amended by simple majority as in the case of Britain but similarly it is not that difficult as in the case of US Constitution.  There are three ways through which constitution can be amended: By simple majority: Some … Read more

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