DMPQ- Give an account on the ideas of Ambedkar. Do you think they are still relevant?

Ambedkar’s main ideas thrusted upon equality, social justice and perpetual improvement of the society.  He emphasis on mitigation of evils of caste system. This idea is still relevant. As caste is one of the dividing factor in India. His idea of social justice encapsulated political, economic and social democracy. Acc. To him, political dem. Without … Read more

DMPQ: What is local self government? What is the significance of local self government?( Polity)

Local self government is the govt. at the grass root level which looks after the administration at the local level. It give representation to the local people and possess fairly large measure of autonomy , raising atleast a part of its revenue locally and spending it on activities that are considered local. Significance: Provide foundation … Read more

DMPQ- What are the various means to measure corruption?

Measuring corruption There are two main types of Corruption based on its quantum – Petty Corruption faced by common man in his day to day life and Grand Corruption which takes place at higher levels. While the former is based predominantly on duress, the latter is more consensual and is driven by expectations of mutual … Read more

DMPQ- What is Resolution and How it is different from Motion?

All resolutions come in the category of substantive motions, that is, every resolution is a particular type of motion. All motions need not necessarily be substantive. Further, all motions are not necessarily put to vote of the House, whereas all the resolutions are required to be voted upon. The members can move resolutions to draw … Read more

DMPQ: What are the tools through which judiciary has a control executive? (polity)

Tools:   President speech is put to vote. Financial control: Budget discussion Audit report submission by CAG Reports of the estimates committee and Public accounts committee Other form of control: Question hour Calling attention motion Short discussions Zero hour No confidence motion Confidence motion Committee on assurances Committee on subordinate legislation      

DMPQ: What are NGO’s? How India Benefitted from NGO’s?

from the government and are generally considered to be “non-state, non-profit oriented groups who pursue purposes of public interest”. The primary objective of NGOs is to provide social justice, development and human rights. NGOs are generally funded totally or partly by governments and they maintain their non-governmental status by excluding government representatives from membership in … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the Salient features of data protection bill 2019.

The Bill regulates the processing of personal data of individuals (data principals) by government and private entities (data fiduciaries) incorporated in India and abroad. Processing is allowed if the individual gives consent, or in a medical emergency, or by the State for providing benefits. • The data principal has several rights with respect to their … Read more

DMPQ :Electoral reforms are organic in nature demand for them is increasing even at a rapid rate. In this context, outline the electoral reforms put forth by the ECI.

The major demand by ECI are as follows: First and foremost demand is to make the demand charged expenditure on. It will provide financial independence to the ECI. The denial of Financial independence does not go well with the status of ECI. Independent secretariat for the commission A proposal has been made by the commission … Read more

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