India’s role in BRICS

India’s role in BRICS BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – five emerging nations that formed an alliance­ for economic and social development. The commonality between them is that they are all newly industrialised and aiming for maximum trade and development. Together, BRICS accounts for about 40% of the … Read more

Relative Speed And Train Questions

 RELATIVE SPEEED AND TRAIN QUESTIONS Speed has no sense of direction unlike the velocity. Relative speed is the speed of one object as observed from another moving object. Questions on train are the classic examples of relative speed and in all these questions it is assumed that trains move parallel … Read more

01.10.19 Rajasthan [RPSC] Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Interoperability of rashan cards started between Rajasthan and Maharashtra   The Centre  launched an inter-state portability ration card in Rajasthan and Haryana in a bid to implement its ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’ scheme.   According to the new system, beneficiaries can buy their quota of wheat from ration shops in either of the … Read more

DMPQ- . Why and in what ways did the states of western Europe see close relations with each other after the Second World War?

The genesis of the integration process began in Europe after the World War II. In the process of planning the introduction of a new political order in post-war Europe, it was acknowledged that the key task was the reconstruction of European economies. Western European leaders realised that only efficient and effective European economy would be … Read more

DMPQ: Gandhiji decided to initiate limited satyagraha on an individual basis by a few selected individuals” What were the objectives of launching Individual satyagraha? Why it was launched? ( History)

The Britishers were not in a position to give in to any of the demand of the congress till the later came into any agreement with the leaders. Hence to demolish this adamant position Congress asked Gandhiji to take command. Gandhiji decided to initiate a limited satyagraha on individual basis. The demand of satyagrahi would … Read more

Atomic structure

Atomic Structure In 1897 J.J. Thomson discovered electron as a constituent of atom. He determined that an electron had a negative charge and had very little mass as compared to that of the atom. Since an atom was found to be electrically neutral it was inferred that some source of positive charge must be present … Read more

Human Eye

 , in humans, specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. The eye is protected from mechanical injury by being enclosed in a socket, or orbit, which is made up of portions of several of the bones of the skull to form a four-sided pyramid, the apex … Read more

Transgenic Plants

 Transgenic Plants Transgenic plants are plants that have been genetically modified by inserting genes directly into a single plant cell. Transgenic crop plants modified for improved flavor, pest resistance, or some other useful property are being used increasingly.   Transgenic plants are unique in that they develop from only one plant cell. In … Read more


Regulation refers to “controlling human or societal behaviour by rules or regulations or alternatively a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law”. Regulation covers all activities of private or public behaviour that may be detrimental to societal or governmental interest but its … Read more

RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 1998

1.Which district has Highest Population growth during 1981-1991: A. Jaipur B. Banswara C. Bikaner D. Ajmer Ans: C 2. According to census 1991, the % of SC, ST in rajasthan: A. 17.29 AND 12.44 B. 13.84 AND 6.77 C. 1729 AND 13.82 D. 12.44 AND 6.77 Ans: A 3. The main cause of frequent drought … Read more

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