DMPQ: Independence, impartiality and fearlessness of judges are not private rights of judges but citizen’s rights. Ultimately judicial legitimacy/ power rests on people’s confidence in courts. In this context discuss the concerns with the collegium system. (POLITY)

The process for the appointment of judges lies at the heart of an independent judiciary. The Second Judges’ case of 1993 led to the formation of a collegium of high-ranking judges which has since then identifying persons for appointment to the SC and high courts. While the collegium began with a desire for judicial independence, the recent … Read more

DMPQ- Short note on Alipore bomb case. ( HISTORY)

The ‘Alipore Bomb Case’ was “the first state trial of any magnitude in India”. The British Government arrested Sri Aurobindo, a prominent Nationalist Leader at the time, Barindra Ghose, and many young revolutionaries. They were charged with “Conspiracy” or “waging war against the King” – the equivalent of high treason and punishable with death by … Read more

Govt Employment

 Govt. employment policy Analysing and Improving Labour Market Data      Availability of detailed, reliable, and comprehensive information on the labour market is critical to meet the employment challenge through well-targeted policies and programmes. At present, the dearth of statistical data on the labour market in India poses serious constraints to employment planning and … Read more

Education For Women

 Women’s education in India: statistics According to the statistics released by the latest census of 2011, India’s female literacy rate is 65.46 percent, significantly lower than the world average of 79.7 percent. China, India’s neighbor and the other global human resource powerhouse, precedes with 82.7 percent female literacy rate. The Right to Education … Read more

20.01.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Rajasthan government showcases tourism in Madrid   The number of Spanish tourists to Rajasthanduring 2017 increased by 20% over the previous year, according to Rajasthan tourism   Hence, in a bid to further give a boost to inbound tourists, Rajasthan tourism is participating at the new edition of FITUR 2018, which is taking place at IFEMA (Madrid) … Read more

Economic Terms

Depository Receipt

A depositary receipt (DR) is a type of negotiable (transferable) financial security that is traded on a local stock exchange but represents a security, usually in the form of equity, that is issued by a foreign publicly listed company. The DR, which is a physical certificate, allows investors to hold shares in equity of other countries. One of the most common types of DRs is the American depositary receipt (ADR), which has been offering companies, investors and traders global investment opportunities since the 1920s.

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DMPQ- Differentiate between Kathakali and Kuchipudi.

Kathakali Kathakali is the classical dance form of Kerala. The word Kathakali literally means “Story-Play”. Kathakali is known for its heavy, elaborate makeup and costumes. In fact, the colorful and fascinating costumes of Kathakali have become the most recognized icon of Kerala. Kathakali is considered as one of the most magnificent theatres of imagination and … Read more

06.04.21 APPSC current Affairs

ANDHRA PRADESH Andhra Pradesh plans ambulance network for animals   As many as 175 mobile ambulatory clinics (MVACs) will come up in every assembly segment in the state, say officials of the animal husbandry department. The clinics, similar to ‘108’ ambulance services, will have a para-veterinarian and driver-cum-attendant led by an assistant veterinary surgeon. A tollfree number will be made … Read more

DMPQ-Explain the following: a) Farmers First b) ARYA c) Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav

Farmers FIRST: The objectives of the ‘Farmer FIRST’ initiative is to move beyond the production and productivity and to privilege the complex, diverse & risk prone realities of the farmers through enhancing farmers-scientists contact with multi stakeholders participation for technology development and application. The project has been conceptualized with focus on Enriching Farmers –Scientist interface; Technology … Read more

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