
 Plants Plant, any multicellular eukaryotic life-form characterized by photosynthetic nutrition (a characteristic possessed by all plants except some parasitic plants and underground orchids), in which chemical energy is produced from water, minerals, and carbon dioxide with the aid of pigments and the radiant energy of the Sun, essentially unlimited growth at localized regions, … Read more

Function of Management-Coordination and Control

FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT : COORDINATION AND CONTROL     COORDINATION   “The Harmonization of activities of different work groups and departments.”   Coordination is the orderly arrangement of individual and group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common goal. All these departments must function in an integrated manner so that … Read more

DMPQ- . What are the objectives and functions of World health organization? Do you agree with the criticism of WHO regarding Covid-19 pandemic.

Mains Functions and Objectives of World Health Organization are: To act as the directing and co-ordinating authority on international health work; To establish and maintain effective collaboration with the United Nations, specialized agencies, governmental health administrations, professional groups and such other organizations as may be deemed appropriate; To assist Governments, upon request, in strengthening health … Read more

DMPQ- List out the challenges faced in transportation of agricultural produce in India. Give suggestive measures.

Transport is considered to be an important aspect in improving agricultural efficiency. It improves the quality of life of individuals, structures a market for agricultural productions, makes interaction possible among geographical as well as regions and opened up new areas to economic focus. Road transport is the most regular and multifaceted network that includes wide … Read more

DMPQ- What is sustainable sand mining and comment on the importance of Sustainable sand Mining.

Sand and gravel, together known as aggregate, is the 2nd largest raw material used on earth after water. Indiscriminate sand mining in India not only threatens the environment and ecosystem but  also endangers the economy. Therefore, sustainable sand mining (SSM) is recommended. Sustainable sand mining uses sound scientific assessment, adopts best practices, construction technology, and … Read more

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