02.11.19 Rajasthan [RPSC] Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Delimitation: 1,000 panchayats, 50 samitis may be created It is believed that as per the norms, around 1,000-1,100 new gram panchayats and 50-60 new panchayat samitis could be created in the state. The district administration had on July 29 notified the creation of 66 new gram panchayats and one new panchayat samiti, Jobner, in Jaipur. This would … Read more

15.12.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN   Rajasthan pink sandstone for Abu Dhabi temple   Pink sandstone from Rajasthan will be used in the construction of the first Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi. Work for the temple was inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi in February this year and is expected to be completed by 2020. Spread over 55,000 sqm land, the temple will be hand carved by … Read more

25-07-2017 Paper II- DMPQ

Daily RAS/RTS Mains Practice Questions- DMPQ is a free for all initiative by RAS Free Notes Team just like daily current affairs program to provide 2 questions from each paper daily to cover the entire syllabus of RAS/RTS Mains for the aspirants. What are semiconductor devices? Explain different types of semiconductors and their uses. Explain the … Read more

DMPQ:Importance of Western Ghats is immense. Comment.

The Western Ghats are the mountain groups running parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula. The Ghats is well known for its biodiversity, where we can find a variety of flora and fauna. Mountain range starts around the border of Gujarat and Maharashtra, to the south of river Tapti. Runs through the states of … Read more

Indian National Account

 India’s National Accounts It is emphasised that in view of the essentially de-centralized character of the Indian Statistical System, the continental size of the country with large diversities and federal character of polity, the Indian System of National Accounts to include regional accounts at the State level and below. The term National Accounts Statistics … Read more

DMPQ- Price stabilisation fund.

The Fund was established with a corpus of 500 crore which aims to establish price stability through Promotion of direct purchase from farmers /farmers’ associations at farm gate/Mandi. Maintaining a strategic buffer stock that would discourage hoarding and unscrupulousspeculation. Protecting consumers by supplying such commodities at reasonable prices throughcalibrated release of stock. It is a … Read more


Ministry of Human Resource Development has announced a new PPP Scheme, National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) for using technology for better learning outcomes in Higher Education. The objective is to use Artificial Intelligence to make learning more personalised and customised as per the requirements of the learner. This requires development of technologies in Adaptive … Read more

DMPQ :What is electrostatic precipitator? Explain with the help of diagram.

There are several ways of removing particulate matter; the most widelyused of which is the electrostatic precipitator, which can remove over 99 per cent particulate matter present in the exhaust from a thermal power plant. It has electrode wires that are maintained at several thousand volts, which produce a corona that releases electrons. These electrons … Read more

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