Environmental Problems Related To Infrastructure Developmen1

 Environmental problems related to infrastructure development Infrastructure is essential for increasing economic progress and reducing poverty. The choices made in the type and scale of infrastructure investment also have major implications for environmental sustainability. Land New infrastructure typically involves land use change and the selection of the site and its proximity to human … Read more

DMPQ: Mekong ganga cooperation

The Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) is an initiative by six countries – India and five ASEAN countries, namely, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam for cooperation in tourism, culture, education, as well as transport and communications. It was launched in 2000 at Vientiane, Lao PDR. Both the Ganga and the Mekong are civilizational rivers, and … Read more

DMPQ- DNA profiling.

DNA profiling is the technique of finding the difference between the satellite DNA regions in the genome. These regions are stretches of repetitive DNA which do not code for any specific protein. These non-coding sequences form a major chunk of the DNA profile of humans. They depict a high level of polymorphism and are the basis of … Read more

August Offer (1940)- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

After the WWII began, British sought cooperation from India. August Offer offered three proposals. Firstly, it called for an immediate expansion of Viceroy’s Executive Council with the inclusion of India representatives; secondly, an advisory body with the members from British India and Indian princely states which were supposed to meet at consequent intervals was established … Read more

DMPQ- What are the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States under 74th Constitutional Amendment ?

Some of the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States are: Constitution of Nagar panchayats, municipal councils and municipal corporations in transitional areas (areas in transition from a rural area to urban area), smaller urban areas and larger urban areas respectively; Reservation of seats in urban local bodies for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes … Read more

09.08.18 Andhra Pradesh (APPSC) Daily Current Affairs

ANDHRA PRADESH 35 lakh cusecs discharged from the Godavari into sea   Nearly 4.35 lakh cusecs were discharged from the Godavari into the Bay of Bengal and more than 50,000 cusecs from the Krishna which received rain in the lower reaches though 233.87 tmcft are required to fill up two major reservoirs on the river. … Read more

DMPQ- India PV EDGE 2020 focus on domestic Solar Manufacturing. Critically analyse.

To catalyze cutting-edge PV manufacturing in India, NITI Aayog, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, and Invest India, are organizing a global symposium virtually, ‘India PV EDGE 2020 The focus is on ‘Wafers and Cells’, ‘Modules and Production Equipment’ and ‘Supply Chain’. Solar deployment has been the flagship green growth story of the last decade … Read more

DMPQ:What is the role of institution in democracy?

Institution are key component of democracy. They are the building blocks of democracy. These blocks keep the democracy alive and vibrant. Election commission of India, CAG, UPSC, Parliament, SC, NGO, Responsible media, Civil servant are some of the example of institution in democracy.   The role played by the institutions in democracy: Prevent the authoritarian … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean by Alternative dispute resolution? What are the significance of ADR?

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provides an alternative approach to traditional process of dispute resolution through litigation. It provides accessible, useful, informal, voluntary, speedy and inexpensive justice to contesting parties. ADR mechanisms in India inter-alia include arbitration, mediation/ conciliation, Lok Adalats and Consumer Dispute Redressal system. Significance of ADR: Mediation can play a very useful role … Read more

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