What is “life expectancy at birth”? Data shows that the global average life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900 and is now above 70 years. Describe three to five factors that have contributed to this improvement.

What is “Life Expectancy at Birth”? Introduction: Life expectancy at birth is a key demographic indicator representing the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live if mortality rates at the time of its birth remain constant throughout its life. It’s a crucial metric for assessing public health, socioeconomic development, and overall … Read more

Science & Technology

The Impact of Science and Technology: A Holistic Perspective Introduction: Science and technology (S&T) are intertwined forces driving societal progress. S&T encompass the systematic study of the natural world and the application of that knowledge to create tools, processes, and systems that improve human lives. Their impact is pervasive, affecting everything from healthcare and communication … Read more

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