DMPQ-What is aspirational district Programme? What are its objectives?

NITI Aayog as guided by the central government has come up with a unique and promising idea of ‘Aspirational Districts Programme’ based on mass movement approach. The uniqueness of the programme lies in its approach and implementation based on creating a competitive environment and empowering State Governments (mains driver) diving respective districts as competitors. (total … Read more

DMPQ- Operation Twist

Operation Twist is a program of quantitative easing used by the Federal Reserve. The so-called “twist” in the operation occurs whenever the Fed uses the proceeds of its sales from short-term Treasury bills to buy long-term Treasury notes. Short-term instruments mature in three years or less while long-term notes and bonds have a term between … Read more

DMPQ-Pradhan Mantri urja ganga Yojana.

It is a project to provide the clean energy in eastern part of the country. The gas pipeline will pass through 50 district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal. It is a two phased Project which was launched in 2016 also known as Jagdishpur-Haldia and Bokaro dharma natural gas … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the approach of disinvestment and privatization in 1991 economic policy.

Both disinvestment as well as privatization is the reverse of investment. For setting up  public sector, the government had to invest by subscribing in shares of the new public  sector from budgetary resources. Thus, disinvestment and privatization both imply ‘selling  of shares of public sector by the government’. We all know that shares are traded … Read more

DMPQ: What is Base erosion and profit sharing? Discuss the provisions of the Base erosion and profit sharing project? (Economy)

Base erosion and profit sharing is a tax avoidance strategy by multinational companies, where in profits are shifted from shifted from jurisdiction that have high taxes to jurisdiction that have low tax. Base erosion and profit shifting project is a joint initiative between G20 countries and the OECD , towards the development of a coherent … Read more

DMPQ- Outline the features of National Mineral Policy, 2019.

It will lead to sustainable mining sector development in future.  It will address the issues of project affected persons especially those residing in tribal areas.  The new changes include the focus on make in India initiative and Gender sensitivity in terms of the vision. It also focuses on use coastal waterways and inland shipping for … Read more

DMPQ- Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana

This is a scheme for providing Physical Aids and Assisted-living Devices for Senior citizens belonging to BPL category. This is a Central Sector Scheme, fully funded by the Central Government. The expenditure for implementation of the scheme will be met from the “Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund”. The Scheme will be implemented through the sole implementing … Read more

DMPQ- Explain that scope of food processing industry in India is limitless.Also mention the challenges faced by India’s food processing industry.

. The increase in the incomes of our working class population has resulted into increase in disposable income which can be spent on processed food. However, the change in food consumption pattern of the working class who prefer readymade food processed items is yet another important factor behind the rising need for food processing industries … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Liberalisation? What are the components of Liberalisation?

The term “liberalization” in this context implies economic liberalization. The essence of thispolicy is that greater freedom is to be given to the entrepreneur of any industry, trade orbusiness and that governmental control on the same be reduced to the minimum. Rules and laws which were aimed at regulating the economic activities became majorhindrances in … Read more

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