DMPQ-Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan

The Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan is a flagship scheme of Government of India, launched in March, 2009, to enhance access to secondary education and improve its quality. The implementation of the scheme started from 2009-10 to generate human capital and provide sufficient conditions for accelerating growth and development and equity as also quality of life … Read more

DMPQ- Poor representation of women in elected bodies is a major hurdle in Women empowerment. Do you agree with the statement.

India stood 149th in a 2019 list of 193 countries ranked by the percentage of elected women representatives in their national parliaments. In more than six decades till 2014, as women’s share in India’s population remained at 48.5%, the share of women MPs increased eight percentage points to 12.6% between the first (1952) and the … Read more

What is the Green revolution? Analyse the impact of green revolution.

Green revolution is an agricultural revolution in which agricultural productivity was increased by providing package of inputs like High yield variety seeds, chemical fertiliser and better irrigation facility. It lead to the increased agricultural production and made India a self -reliant country in terms of food production. Impact of green revolution are summarised as below: … Read more

DMPQ: Why Indian universities fail to make up in the top ranking universities list? Write down the reasons.

Reasons are as follows: Low expenditure per GDP in the Higher education as compared to other countries. Low investment in Research and development sector by the Government and the private Industries. Lack of autonomy and excessive government regulation Curriculum are anachronistic in nature. Lack of diversity in terms of course offered. Limited investment from High … Read more

DMPQ- Differentiate between the role of Estimates Committee and Public Accounts Committee

Estimates Committee Estimates Committee was first established during British Era in 1920s but Independent India’s first Estimates Committee was established in 1950. This committee examines the estimates included in the budget and suggests ‘economies’ in public expenditure. The Estimates Committee has 30 members and all these members are from Lok Sabha. There is no Rajya … Read more

DMPQ: Explain NIIF. Discuss the three types of funds under it.

National Investment and Infrastructure Fund Limited (NIIFL) is an investor-owned fund manager, anchored by the Government of India (GoI) in collaboration with leading global and domestic institutional investors. funds have investment mandates to invest in infrastructure assets and related businesses that are likely to benefit from the long-term growth trajectory of the Indian economy. Our … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean by fiscal consolidation? What are the ways to achieve fiscal consolidation.

Fiscal Consolidation refers to the policies undertaken by Governments (national and sub-national levels) to reduce their deficits and accumulation of debt stock. Fiscal Consolidation refers to the treatment of a group of entities as one entity for taxation purposes. Simply put, the parent entity would be accountable for the entire group’s tax liabilities. Thus in simple … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Shadow banking? What are the issues associated with shadow banking?

The term refers to the practice of banking like activities performed by non-banking finance companies, which are not subject to strict regulation. However, these institutions function as intermediaries between the investors and the borrowers, providing credit and generating liquidity in the system. Although these entities do not accept traditional demand deposits offered by banks, they … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on the outcome Budgeting.

Budget is the annual financial statement of income and expenditure of government. The Constitution of India has a provision (Art. 112) for such a document called Annual Financial Statement to be presented in the Parliament before the commencement of every new fiscal year—popular as the Union Budget. The budget is prepared by the Budget Division … Read more

DMPQ: Explain in detail the methods to calculate National Income.

There are 3 methods to calculate the National income.These methods are given by Simon Kuznets. PM (Product Method) or Product service method. IM (Income Method) CM (Consumption Method) or expenditure method. In India the combination of Product method and Income methods is used for calculating the National Income.   PRODUCT METHOD: NI = GDP  – income earned in … Read more

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