
Cyberstalking: A Comprehensive Analysis Introduction: Cyberstalking, a pervasive and increasingly sophisticated form of harassment, involves the use of electronic communication technologies to stalk or harass another person. Unlike traditional stalking, which relies on physical proximity, cyberstalking leverages the anonymity and reach of the internet to inflict psychological distress and even physical harm. The National Center … Read more


Cyberbullying: A Multifaceted Threat Requiring Comprehensive Solutions Introduction: Cyberbullying, a pervasive issue in the digital age, refers to the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Unlike traditional bullying, cyberbullying transcends geographical boundaries and can occur 24/7, amplifying its impact and making it harder … Read more

What is cybercrime? Describe with examples any two of the following and explain how the government helps victims of cybercrime:

What is Cybercrime? Government Assistance for Victims Introduction: Cybercrime, a rapidly evolving phenomenon, refers to any criminal activity that involves a computer, network, or other digital device. It encompasses a broad spectrum of illegal activities, from relatively minor offenses like online harassment to serious crimes such as identity theft and financial fraud. The pervasiveness of … Read more

What is UIDAI? How has this government body harnessed IT to improve the targeted delivery of government benefits (DBT)? How can the Aadhaar Card help in financial transactions?

UIDAI and the Targeted Delivery of Government Benefits through IT Introduction: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is a statutory authority established under the Aadhaar Act, 2016. Its primary function is to issue Aadhaar numbers, a 12-digit unique identification number, to all residents of India. This number, linked to biometric and demographic data, serves … Read more

Write short notes about the mission and contributions of any two of these institutions in Science/Technology in India.

Introduction: India’s scientific and technological advancement is significantly shaped by various institutions. These institutions play a crucial role in research, development, and application of scientific knowledge across diverse fields, contributing to national progress and global scientific discourse. This response will provide short notes on the mission and contributions of two prominent institutions: the Indian Institutes … Read more

How should these institutions contribute towards the education of B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. students in Telangana?

How Should Institutions Contribute Towards the Education of B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. Students in Telangana? Introduction: The education of undergraduate students pursuing B.A., B.Com., and B.Sc. degrees in Telangana is crucial for the state’s economic and social development. The success of these students depends heavily on the quality of education provided by various institutions, including universities, colleges, and … Read more

Telangana has several Central Government institutions suitable for research funded by the Department of Science and Technology. These include BITS, CCMB, CDFD, CRIDA, DRDO, ICRISAT, IICT, NALSAR, NGRAU, and NIN.

Telangana’s Potential for DST-Funded Research: Leveraging Existing Institutions Introduction: Telangana boasts a rich tapestry of Central Government institutions ideally positioned to benefit from research funding provided by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). These institutions, spanning diverse fields like biotechnology, agriculture, law, and engineering, represent a significant intellectual and infrastructural resource. This analysis will … Read more

What is “life expectancy at birth”? Data shows that the global average life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900 and is now above 70 years. Describe three to five factors that have contributed to this improvement.

What is “Life Expectancy at Birth”? Introduction: Life expectancy at birth is a key demographic indicator representing the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live if mortality rates at the time of its birth remain constant throughout its life. It’s a crucial metric for assessing public health, socioeconomic development, and overall … Read more

Science & Technology

The Impact of Science and Technology: A Holistic Perspective Introduction: Science and technology (S&T) are intertwined forces driving societal progress. S&T encompass the systematic study of the natural world and the application of that knowledge to create tools, processes, and systems that improve human lives. Their impact is pervasive, affecting everything from healthcare and communication … Read more

How do time and space affect ethics in private and public relationships? Illustrate.

How Time and Space Affect Ethics in Private and Public Relationships Introduction: Ethics, the moral principles governing a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity, are profoundly influenced by the contexts of time and space. Our understanding of what constitutes ethical behavior is not static; it evolves across different historical periods (time) and varies … Read more