DMPQ- Write a short note on Fold mountains.

Fold mountains are created where two or more of Earth’s tectonic plates are pushed together. At these colliding, compressing boundaries, rocks and debris are warped and folded into rocky outcrops, hills, mountains, and entire mountain ranges. Fold mountains are created through a process called orogeny. An orogenic event takes millions of years to create a fold mountain. Fold mountains are often associated with continental crust. … Read more

DMPQ: What is Horticulture? What are its advantage as a means of source of income for farmers? ( scemes)

Horticulture is the branch of agriculture concerned with intensively cultured plants directly used by man for food , for medicinal purpose or for aesthetic gratification.Horticulture is the science and art involved in the cultivation, propagation, processing and marketing of ornamental plants, flowers, turf, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.   The following are the benefits attached with … Read more

DMPQ: What is poultry farming? What are the desirable traits developed Obtained after cross breeding? ( Science)

Poultry is the rearing of domesticated fowl (chicken), ducks, geese, turkey and some varieties of pigeon for their meat and eggs. The specialized meat-producing poultry birds are called broilers while egg-laying poultry birds are called layers. The tremendous rise in the availability of poultry products is called Silver Revolution. Variety improvement is done by cross-breeding … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on watershed management.

A watershed is the geographic area through which water flows across the land and drains into a common body of water – stream, river, lake, or ocean. The watershed boundary follows the highest ridgeline around the stream channels which separates the water flow which may be basically rainwater, groundwater, water from melting snow etc. and … Read more

DMPQ-How does flood effects India during monsoon and how Governments prepares to control it ?

Frequent inundation of agricultural land and human settlement, particularly in Assam, West Bengal, Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh (flooding rivers), coastal areas of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat (cyclone) and Punjab, Rajasthan, Northern Gujarat and Haryana (flash floods) have serious consequences on the national economy and society. Floods do not only destroy valuable … Read more

DMPQ: What is continental shelf? Mention the significance of Continent shelf( Geography)

The continental shelf is the extended margin of each continent occupied byrelatively shallow seas and gulfs. It is the shallowest part of the ocean showing anaverage gradient of 1° or even less.The width of the continental shelves vary from one ocean to another. The average widthof continental shelves is about 80 km. Significance of Continental … Read more

DMPQ- – Write a note on the Evolution of National Grid.

Grid management on regional basis started in sixties. Initially, State grids were inter-connected to form regional grid and India was demarcated into 5 regions namely Northern, Eastern, Western, North Eastern and Southern region. In October 1991 North Eastern and Eastern grids were connected. In March 2003 WR and ER-NER were interconnected . August 2006 North … Read more

DMPQ- What is coral bleaching?

When corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients, they expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white. Warmer water temperatures can result in coral bleaching. When water is too warm, corals will expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing the coral to turn completely … Read more


National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) is focused on holistic development of heritage cities.  The main objective of HRIDAY is to preserve character of the soul of heritage city and facilitate inclusive heritage linked urban development in partnership with State Government. The duration of HRIDAY schemes would be Four Years starting from December … Read more