DMPQ: What is sustainable agriculture? How it can be achieved?(5 marker)( science)

Sustainability means keeping an effort going continuously. So, sustainable agriculture means successful management of resources for agriculture to satisfy the changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of environment and conserving natural resources. Sustainable agriculture can be achieved by adopting; Mixed farming Mixed cropping Crop rotation Crop selection Varietal improvement   Q3.               Coalitions government … Read more

DMPQ-Cape of Good Hope water way

  Cape of Good Hope, rocky promontory at the southern end of Cape Peninsula, Western Cape province, South Africa. It was first sighted by the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias in 1488 on his return voyage to Portugal after ascertaining the southern limits of the African continent. One historical account says that Dias named it Cape … Read more

DMPQ: What are sedimentary rocks? What are the its different types? List down the features of sedimentary rocks.

Sedimentary or detrital rocks :   They Formed as a result of denudation (weathering and erosion).These deposits through compaction turn into rocks. This process is called lithification. Sedimentary rocks Cover 75 per cent of the earth’s crust but volumetrically occupy only 5 per cent. They are layered or stratified of varying thickness. Example: sandstone, shale etc. … Read more

DMPQ- How can humidity and precipitation be related?

When it rains, it will increase the relative humidity because of the evaporation. The air where the rain is falling may not be completely saturated with water vapor. However, the longer it rains, the more the humidity will increase because of the air constantly drawing the water.  The evaporation will cool the air and increase … Read more

DMPQ- How can the Rural Development be boosted through Agri-infrastructure?

Boosting Rural Development through Agri-infrastructure Most of the perishable items are produced in the villages which remain confined to these due to the absence of road networks. The existing road and rail facilities are inadequate. Most of the areas which produce good quality fruits are still inaccessible. This coupled with the rough terrain of the … Read more

DMPQ:Discuss types of soils and their distribution in India

According to ICAR Indian soils are classified as:- Alluvial soils:-Alluvial soils are formed mainly due to silt deposited by Indo Gangetic Brahmaputra rivers. In coastal regions some alluvial deposits are formed due to wave action. Black soils:-The black soils are found mainly on the Deccan lava region covering large parts of Maharashtra, some parts of … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Steppe Climate Vegetation.

Steppe Climatic region is also known as Temperate Grasslands. These grasslands are some of the most developed agricultural fields and are termed as grain baskets. Livestock ranching is another major activity carried out in these areas due to the availability of natural grasses. Distribution: Steppes are found in the continental interiors. They are usually found … Read more

DMPQ- Briefly explain the process of weathering.

. Weathering processes are responsible for breaking down the rocks into smaller fragments and preparing the way for formation of not only regolith and soils, but also erosion and mass movements. Biomes and biodiversity is basically a result of forests (vegetation) and forests depend upon the depth of weathering mantles. Erosion cannot be significant if … Read more

DMPQ- How does climate control the landform development?

Climate is a major sculptor of landforms. One of generous precipitation often induces extensive erosion through plentiful runoff and stream flow. A moist, cool climate can even favor the formation of glaciers in mountains and high latitudes. Given the proper conditions, these massive ice bodies advance and heavily impact the terrain. A whole slew of … Read more