DMPQ: Explain Tide. What are different types of tides?

Tides The ocean’s surface rises and falls predictably attributable to changes in gravitative forces originating from the Moon and also the Sun. These changes in ocean surface level are called tides and are proof of the influence celestial bodies wear our planet. As a result of the Sun is farther away than the Moon, the … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss different types of Mountain landforms.

Weathering, water, elevation, sinking, and erosion of the soil are constantly shaping the surface of the Earth. It doesn’t really happen overnight but takes hundreds and thousands of years for us to notice these changes. These are the natural processes that lead to various formations of the Landforms. Landforms originate from these geological processes. Landforms can be categorized into Mountains, Plateaus, and Plains depending … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the Urban heat island.

As urban areas develop, changes occur in their landscape. Buildings, roads, and other infrastructure replace open land and vegetation. Surfaces that were once permeable and moist become impermeable and dry. These changes cause urban regions to become warmer than their rural surroundings, forming an “island” of higher temperatures in the landscape. Heat islands occur on … Read more

DMPQ:What is groundwater contamination? What are the causes of ground water contamination?

Groundwater contamination is the adulteration of water because of the increase in the concentration of certain pollutants. The major pollutants contributing to contamination are Arsenic, fluoride, Iron, uranium , nitrate etc. Causes of groundwater contamination are: Natural: Groundwater naturally contains high amount of pollutant due to geological formation. For example occurrence of fluoride is related … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the major crop patterns in India.

. Some of the major cropping systems are:  Sequential system Multiple crops are grown in a sequence using short duration crops and intense input management. In Maharashtra, a sequence of Rice, Beans and Ground nuts is  followed. It is the most common cropping system in India. Mixed cropping It refers to crop mixture of two … Read more

DMPQ: Write in brief on the achievements of Green Revolution in India

The main achievements of Green Revolution may be summarized as under: The production and productivity of wheat, rice, maize, and bajra has increased substantially. India has become almost self-sufficient in the matter of staple foods. The double cropped area has increased; thereby intensification of the Indian agriculture has increased. In the areas where Green Revolution … Read more

DMPQ: Sagarmala is an ambitious project. What is sagarmala? What are the challenges in implementation? Discuss the prospect of the project.

Sagarmala is a series of projects to leverage the country’s coastline and inland waterways to drive port led development. It is a mammoth project with a total outlay of 8 lakh crore spread across four broad areas. Modernisation of port infrastructure Improve port connectivity Development of coastal community Create coastal economic zones   Challenges: It … Read more