DMPQ: Name some of the famous Bhakti saints of Medieval India.

Ramanuja: Born in A.D. 1166 in a small town near Chenni (Madras), Ramanuja was a worshipper of Vishnu and preached Vaishnavism. He had a great following in the South. Ramananda: The greatest preacher of this cult in north India was Ramananda. He discarded all caste distinctions and his disciples belonged to all castes.   Kabir: … Read more

DMPQ: How did British colonial rule affect Indian agriculture? ( History)

  Commercialisation of Indian agriculture. Changed the nature and structure of agriculture A new class of landlords emerged that rented the land to farmers. Class of Moneylenders became the part of agriculture which destroyed the self sustained village unit. Loss of patronage to handicraft industry added another pressure on Indian land. Support from the ruling … Read more

DMPQ- Given an account of the India’s Cultural contribution to South East Asia and Central Asia?

India had commercial and cultural relations with her neighbours since an early time. Resulting from this, was on the one hand the introduction of foreign elements into the art and culture of India and on the other the extension of Indian religious ideas and art motifs to foreign countries. India’s Cultural contribution to Central Asia … Read more

DMPQ- . Explain the challenges of Kashmir integration and also mention how did India respond to it.

. In Kashmir, Hari Singh was a Hindu ruler with 75% of Muslim population and he was also averse to idea of joining either India or Pakistan out of his apprehensions regarding both democracy and communalism. Popular political forces led by Sheikh Abdullah wanted to join India on the other hand. India, however, remained non-committal … Read more

Give an account of the following a) Simon commission b) Meerut conspiracy c) Hindustan republic association d) Radcliff line

(a)Simon commission: The commission was torecommend to the Government whether India was ready for further constitutional reforms. It is also known as Indian statutory commission.  It was set up by lord Birkenhead. (b)Meerut Conspiracy: Meerut Conspiracy was a controversial court case initiated in British India in March1929 and decided in 1933. Several trade unionists, including … Read more

DMPQ: Write down in 20 words about following terms ( RAS) a) The institute of the Christian religion b) Anglicanism c) Inquisition

What is “ the institute of the Christian Religion”? ( 2marker) Ans:                The institute of the Religion was Published in 1536 by John Calvin. It is unquestionably one of the most important books on systematic theology ever written. In this book he rejected the doctrine of Sacraments and aimed at the establishment of a … Read more

DMPQ: What was the lord Wavell plan? How it was taken by the different political entity? (history)

Lord Wavell plan was constituted to resolve the political deadlock of existing India but he abandon the proposal due to disagreement between leaders of muslim league and congress, and finally the proposals were dissolved  at the Shimla conference Plan: Formation of new executive council at the centre in which all the members except the viceroy … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main features of Mesolithic period Art?

Mesolithic period Art: The largest number of paintings belongs to this period. Themes multiply but the paintings are small in size. Hunting scenes predominate Hunters in groups armed with barbed spears pointed sticks, arrows, and bows. Trap and snares used to catch animals can be seen in some paintings. Mesolithic people loved to point animals. … Read more