DRY FARMING IN INDIA The spread in the regions where the average annual rainfall is less than 75 cm. rainfall is scanty and uncertain, where hot and dry conditions prevail. It is not only that the average annual rainfall is low, the variability of rainfall in these areas varies between 25 to 60 per cent. … Read more

Public Expenditure : Theories of public expenditure; causes of growth of public expenditure and its impact on economy; internal and external borrowings.

Public expenditure is spending made by the government of a country on collective needs and wants such as pension, provision, infrastructure, etc. Until the 19th century, public expenditure was limited as laissez faire philosophies believed that money left in private hands could bring better returns. In democracy, public expenditure is an expression of people’s will, … Read more

Other Contemporary States

              Bihar   After Saadat Khan, *Safdarjung* became the king  who was an impartial ruler &         carried out many reforms & was made the wazir of mughal empire. Shuja-ud-Daula         succeded him to throne. He was also made the wazir of mughal … Read more

Climate Change


  • National Environmental Appraisal and Monitoring Authority has been setup



India UK

UK-India Business Climate Leaders Group has been constituted. Comprising of leading CEOs the group will work on synergystic business for carbon reduction and joint work to evolve national emission reduction strategies.

FDI could be streamlined into low carbon initiatives.

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Important Land Laws in Rajasthan: Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955

Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 Important Definitions of the Act (Imp for Two markers) Agricultural Year : means the year commencing on the first day of July and ending on the thirtieth day of June next following. Agriculture [s.5(2)]: shall include horticulture, [cattle breeding, diary farming],[ poultry farming and forestry development]. Agriculturist [s.5(3)]: shall mean a … Read more

Role and Functions of Reserve Bank of India

Role of RBI Pre-reform Post-reform Developmental Role: the developmental role has increased in view of the changing structure of the economy with a focus on SMEs and financial inclusion Priority Sector Lending: Introduced from 1974 with public sector banks. Extended to all commercial banks by 1992 In the revised guidelines for PSL the thrust is … Read more

Industrial Transition in India

  The process of industrial transition divided into: industrial growth during the 19th century and industrial progress during the 20th century Industrial growth during the 19th century Decline of indigenous industries and the rise of large scale modern industries 1850-55: first cotton mill, first jute mill and the first coal mine established. Railway also introduced. … Read more

Origin of the Monsoon:

  Classcial Theories: Halley’s Thermal concept: Indian monsoon is because of contrast between Indian Subcontinent and adjoining Indian Ocean. Halley’s theory, suggested in 1686, considers the summer monsoon to be a regional phenomenon. Aerological concept: This was suggested by R. Scherhag in 1948. According to this theory, monsoon circulation develops due to changes in air … Read more


  Fresh water ecosystems- The salt content of fresh bodies is very low, always less than 5 ppt  (parts per thousand). E.g lakes, ponds, pools, springs, streams, and rivers Marine ecosystems – the water bodies containing salt concentration equal to or above that of sea water (i.e., 35 ppt or above). E.g shallow seas and … Read more

India’s action against Desertification

India as a signatory to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has submitted four National Reports to UNCCD  in the years 2000, 2002, 2006 and 2010 Some of the major programmes currently implemented that address issues related to land degradation and desertification is:- Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), National Afforestation Programme (NAP), National Mission for … Read more