DMPQ- Explain why India’s constitution is lengthiest constitution in the world?

Constitutions are classified into written, like the American Constitution, or unwritten, like the British Constitution. The Constitution of India is the lengthiest of all the written constitutions of the world. It is a very comprehensive, elaborate and detailed document. Originally (1949), the Constitution contained a Preamble, 395 Articles (divided into 22 Parts) and 8 Schedules. … Read more


 Agroecology Agroecology shares much in common with other approaches to sustainable farming. Agroecology is farming that “centers on food production that makes the best use of nature’s goods and services while not damaging these resources.”  Farming thrives when it works with local ecosystems, for example, improving soil and plant quality through available biomass … Read more

Recent Trends In Organic Farming And Farm Mechanization

 Recent trends in organic farming and farm mechanization organic farming Organic farming also known as ecological agriculture8 or biodynamic agriculture,9 works in harmony with nature i.e. the agricultural practices followed in organic agriculture do not cause any harm to the environment. Due to eco-friendly nature of the organic farming it is considered as … Read more

DMPQ- How did Berlin conference (1884-85) change the fate of Africa forever ?

. The Berlin Conference of 1884–85, also known as the Congo Conference, regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period, coinciding with Germany’s sudden emergence as an imperial power. Called for by Portugal and organized by Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany, its outcome, the General Act of the Berlin … Read more

DMPQ Premium-Describe the governance and administrative system of Gajpatis.

The Suravamsi Gajapatis had given a benevolent administration to their subjects When the feudatories became disobedient to him Kapilendra went to the temple of Lord Jagannatha and engraved an order on the Jagamohana invoking the name of Jagannatha and declaring that the chiefs revolting against him, would actually rebel against this great deity. From the … Read more

DMPQ: Present a critique on DPSP.

Introduction- Prepare an intro on DPSP of 60 words Body:   1) Non justiciable 2) Unsystematic enumeration and lot of repetition. 3) Some article are reactionary like ban on cow slaughter and     ban on liquor 4) It emphasis on philosophy of socialism which is inconsistent with the contemporary era of globalisation. 5) Lack of consistency.  … Read more

DMPQ- Trace East India company’s response towards 1857 mutiny.

Company brought reinforcements from England, passed new laws so that the rebels could be convicted  with ease, and then moved into the storm centres of the revolt. Not only the police and military  personnel, but ordinary Britons were empowered to punish the Indians suspected of rebellion.  Rebellion had only one punishment – Death. Delhi was … Read more

12.12.17 Andhra Pradesh (APPSC) Daily Current Affairs

ANDHRA PRADESH   Scheme to help 10 lakh unemployed youngsters   Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh (SAAP) Managing Director said that nearly 10 lakh unemployed youth of Andhra Pradesh will be benefited by the proposed ‘Yuva Sadhikarika Nirudyoga Bhruthi (Assistance to Umemployed Youth)’, a scheme to provide financial assistance to the unemployed educated youth.   After the … Read more