DMPQ-Justice late is justice denied. The number of pendency of cases are on rise. Discuss the reasons for such high rate of pendency.

There are over three crore cases pending across the Supreme Court, the High Courts, and the subordinate courts (including district courts).Of these, the subordinate courts account for over 86% pendency of cases, followed by 13.8% pendency before the 24 High Courts. The remaining 0.2% of cases are pending with the Supreme Court. Between 2006 and … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the Unitary features enshrined in the Constitution of India.

Besides the above federal features, the Indian Constitution also possesses the following unitary or non-federal features: Strong Centre The division of powers is in favour of the Centre and highly inequitable from the federal angle. Firstly, the Union List contains more subjects than the State List. Secondly, the more important subjects have been included in … Read more

DMPQ- “Transition to statehood of Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh was smooth, it was not so in case of Nagaland and Mizoram.” Elucidate.

Naga areas were totally isolated during British rule and after Independence, government of India sought to integrate them, but they opposed in favor of a separate independent state under leadership of A Phizo and British officers and missionaries support. In 1955, a violent campaign was launched by Nagas and they declared independence from Assam and … Read more

DMPQ: Government of India in the recent past has banned many NGOs both domestic and Indian firm. Why they were banned? What is the benefit for India in banning these NGO’s?

NGOs are legally constituted organizations, operate independently from the government and are generally considered to be “non-state, non-profit oriented groups who pursue purposes of public interest”.   Why banned: Many of them were found to be violating some provision of the act in some manner, for example Greenpeace India was banned for exceeding the cap … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Public accounts committee and Estimate committee.

Public Accounts Committee was introduced in 1921 after its first mention in Government of India Act, 1919 also called Montford Reforms. It is existing in Indian Constitution since then. It is one of the parliamentary committees that examine the annual audit reports of CAG which President lays before the Parliament of India. Those three reports submitted by … Read more

DMPQ: . Rashtriya Bal SwasthyaKaryakram.

:  Rashtriya Bal SwasthyaKaryakram (RBSK) is an important initiative aiming at early identification and early intervention for children from birth to 18 years to cover 4 ‘D’s viz. Defects at birth, Deficiencies, Diseases, Development delays including disability. The services aim to cover children of 0-6 years of age in rural areas and urban slums in … Read more

DMPQ- What important does bureaucracy plays in Indian democracy? Analyse the bottlenecks bureaucracy is facing in this mission.

Bureaucracy plays a key role in running the Public Administration e by performing the following functions: It is the responsibility of the bureaucracy to carry out and implement the policies of the government. Good policies and laws can really serve their objectives only when these are efficiently implemented by the civil servants. Policy-making is the … Read more

DMPQ- What is Inter state council ? Also mentions it’s composition and it’s role in centre-state relations.

The Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State Relations (1983–87) made a strong case for the establishment of a permanent Inter-State Council under Article 263 of the Constitution. It recommended that in order to differentiate the Inter-State Council from other bodies established under the same Article 263, it must be called as the Inter-Governmental Council. The Commission recommended … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the concept of ‘Basic structure of Constitution’. What are important elements of basic structure of Constitution.

The question whether Fundamental Rights can be amended by the Parliament under Article 368 came for consideration of the Supreme Court within a year of the Constitution coming into force. In the Shankari Prasad case  (1951), the constitutional validity of the First Amendment Act (1951), which curtailed the right to property, was challenged. The Supreme … Read more